Part 25: Servant for a Day

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"We're starting without them." Y/n announced
"How come?" Mihyun asked
"Well they played in the match, then the day after did a whole day of running. I imagine they'll all either be late or not show up at all."
"No recovery?"
"None whatsoever."
"That's hardcore, jeez." Chaeryeong said
"Training for today is simple, I want to go over a tactic that involves sitting back today."
"Sitting back? That's not your style, what gives?" Lia asked
"This specific team, all of you, are going to be starting in our next game. Our opponents like to press high up the pitch, and one of their main weaknesses is-"
Y/n looked towards a voice that could only be recognised as Sana's, she limped over to the rest over the group.
"Correct, glad you could join us."
"Can't say I'm glad to be here." Sana sighed
"So what, you expect us to sit behind the ball for 90 minutes?" Yeji scoffed
"No, just long enough for them to have to switch it up." Y/n replied
"Whatever, let's just get on with it."

Y/n split the team into the offensive and defensive players and put himself into the offensive team.
"This task will be simple, all the midfielders and defenders have to do is get the ball back and clear it up the pitch. Sounds easy, right?" Y/n instructs
"Great, let's begin."
Y/n passed the ball to Shi-ah who tries to lob the ball through and over the defense, however Jiho gets her head to it and the ball is somewhat cleared. When the ball comes down, Yeji looks sure to get a touch on it but by the time she had looked down to scan for opponents, Y/n had lightly barged her out of the way, just enough to get the ball himself and fire a volley in, only just beating Yuna at the far post.
"Not good enough, Jiho, make sure to get the ball into a space where you know the opponents aren't pressing. In some cases, it may be better to let Yuna catch it. Oh, Yeji, work on shoving your opponents off the ball, like you used to do in school."
"Yeah yeah, next time it'll be different."

They run the drill again and again and again, and yet every time one of the forwards are able to score, it was like no matter what they did, Y/n always found a way around it.
"This sucks, can't we just try a different tactic?" Lia complained
"No, if you're going to start you need to give me a real reason why you should be there in the first place. This time midfielders, when being attacked, fall back into the defence and become a back six instead of a back four."
"You want me to play CB?" Yeji rolled her eyes
"Only in certain moments, yes."
"This sucks."

The team kept doing the same drill over and over again for hours, Sana would have to sit out on most of the drills because she was still exhausted after the extra running the day before. The back six tactic started to work however, and the team were finally getting used to it.
Y/n decided that they had done enough and would move on to the only other drill they'd be doing that day, the counterattacks themselves.
"You guys should know me by now, I hate wasting time that could be used for other things. That's why my brand of counterattacking relies mostly on Yuna."
"Me?" Yuna asked, confused
"Yes. Now as soon as the ball is shot towards Yuna, I want the attackers to run as fast as possible, don't even look back just keep running. If Yuna catches the ball then the midfielders and defenders can start spreading out. Yuna will then distribute the ball upfield to the attackers who, hopefully, shouldn't have a marker on them. Seem simple enough?"
"I guess?"
The team once again ran the drill and picked up on it pretty quickly, but before Y/n could get them to practice both drills combined, he got a phone call.

"Y/n, it's me, I need your help." Momo sighed
"What's wrong?"
"It's my parents, they're coming back from Japan to see how I'm doing."
"Ok? What do you need me for?"
"I can't move."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm stuck in bed, I have been since I woke up. My muscles are hurting so much."
"So what do you want me to do exactly?"
"Come over and help! It's your fault I can't move!"
"Alright fine I'll be there soon," Y/n sighed before hanging up and announcing to the team "Right, training's over early today. I've got business to attend to."
"Good, get me out of here." Yeji rolled her eyes before leaving
"Is everything alright?" Sana asked
"Yeah, it's just Momo needs help is all."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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