Part 4: The Waitresses

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"Thanks for coming by, please come back soon!"
"That was our last customer at the moment, it's really quiet today isn't it."
"Yeah, it's quiet even though it's the middle of the day."
"Nayeon, Dahyun you can go on break early, since there's no one here I'll just man the front of the shop." The boss said
"Thanks!" Nayeon said

Nayeon and Dahyun exit through the Back Door of the café and into this small open space where the owner's car was parked and where the industrial sized bins were.
"So what do you wanna do?" Nayeon asked
"I don't know, I didn't bring my phone today since I forgot to put it on charge yesterday." Dahyun replied
"Oh speaking of phones, someone called me yesterday on the house phone, one of the roommates told me but I weren't there to answer it."
"Someone called you?"
"Yeah, they didn't remember the name but they said it was definitely a guy and he said 'Hey, is this Nayeon? It's me, do you have time to talk?'"
"So then what?"
"They told him where the café was and that I'd be working here today." Nayeon shrugged

"That's a bit weird, surely he should be someone you know right?"
"Maybe, but no one actually comes to mind, I mean maybe one person but that would probably never happen, it's been what, five years?"
"Ah I get it now, wait five!? I'm getting old!" Dahyun fake cries
"No don't worry, the thing I'm thinking of was five years ago, the last time we saw him was three years ago"
"Phew, you had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie."
"It feels like I'm just wasting away, like this is good but it wasn't what I wanted to do with my life."
"I know what you mean." Dahyun sighs

Dahyun then spots a crunched up coke can on the floor and does some kick ups with it before volleying it into one of the bins.
"There's nothing really to do out here, I might go back inside." Dahyun says
"Yeah me too, at least then we can have something to drink too." Nayeon agrees
The two head back in through the back door and go through the kitchen where their boss was washing up some plates
"Oh back already?" He said
"Yeah." They said simultaneously
"Great, a customer just came in a minute ago, go and take his order."
"Will do."

Dahyun goes to the counter and Nayeon looks around for the customer, and spots him sitting at a table alone staring out of a window. He had a motorcycle helmet on the chair beside him and he had a light brown overcoat on, his hair was combed to the side and he had black jeans on.
"Hi welcome to the K-"
As soon as Nayeon had begun speaking, the guy turned his head around and the sudden realisation of who it was made her drop her notepad and stop speaking.
"Hi Nayeon." He said softly
"(Y-Y/n), how are you h-here?" She asked, stuttering slightly in the process
"I called yesterday but you weren't there so your roommate told me to come here."
"I see, but why now? It's been three years since we've last seen each other."
"I know it's been a while, but I just couldn't do it anymore."
"Do what?" Nayeon asked
"Go day to day doing the same boring stuff, I just want it to go back how it used to be, when we were dominating the top of the leagues and we were spending every day messing around."
"I know, I wished it can go back to how it was. My life has just gotten boring, sure Dahyun is here with me but it's not exactly me and Dahyun linking up in defence levels of happiness."

"Do you ever just wish you could have one more game with the others?"
"Every day. So what would you like from our menu?"
(Y/n) took the menu from beside him on the table and scanned through it
"What is the NJ Special?" (Y/n) asked
"That's just a fancy way of saying a hot chocolate, it's a premium brand that's why, if further down the menu there's a similar one, the KW special, it's basically premium coffee."
"Is everything premium around here?" (Y/n) chuckled
"Apparently so, I just think it's a bit weird that my boss actually buys that stuff."
"Have you ever tried it?"
"No, I just stick with the iced lattes."
"Some things never change then, well I guess I'll have the NJ special then, who knows it may be worth the price." (Y/n) laughs
"Great, I'll have that out for you shortly." Nayeon smiles and walked into the back of the café

Dahyun then skips over and sniggers when she sees (Y/n).
"So that's why she's so happy now, you're back in town huh?" Dahyun says
"Yep, I mean I never left but it's good seeing you guys again."
"It's been too long, but I'm surprised you actually decided to come back after the thing that happened in the last game."
"We said we'd never talk about that, who have you told?" (Y/n) says, with some worry and seriousness in his voice
"Don't worry, the only people who know are us, Jihyo and coach. You know she's sorry right, she wanted it to have gone differently."
"I know, I spoke to her yesterday but she never mentioned it. I just want to make sure the others still have no idea, wherever they are."
"The others. I keep connected with a few but I'm not sure you'd want to dig up the past if you're not ready for anyone to find out about the thing with you and Jihyo."

"I know it may sound stupid, but I've never been the same after our school days. Yes I have a nice paying job and a great roommate-"
"And a motorcycle" Dahyun points out
"...and a motorcycle, but I feel more empty than ever and it's cause you guys aren't there. I barely see Yeji and that's it, what I'm saying is without all of you guys, I'm nothing."
Dahyun exhales and sits at the table, opposite to (Y/n)
"It doesn't sound stupid, believe me. Don't you think I would've rather shredded up attackers every week instead of working in a cute little diner. You have a feeling of emptiness, but I don't have a feeling of purpose." Dahyun began to look down at the table and fiddle with her fingers
"I had a feeling you didn't." Nayeon said, appearing with the order.

Nayeon put the cup in front of (Y/n) and sat next to Dahyun.
"I'm sorry, I knew you didn't want this. I dragged you to work here, and it's my fault you couldn't do anything else." Nayeon softly spoke
"It's not, I followed you because I didn't know what else to do. After school it was a rough time, everyone left so I was scared. You guys had always been there for me so I grabbed on to the one thing that made me feel safe, and that was you Nayeon." Dahyun looked to Nayeon
"I guess I could say the same about you, you're continuously the reason I'm not that lonely, and without you I'd be lost. I guess it would be better to see all the others again."

(Y/n) who had been drinking his hot chocolate whilst listening to the conversation, finally finished his drink and spoke.
"I want to see the others too, it's what lead me hear after all."
"I suppose you'd want to see Momo next then? She also works in a restaurant so it shouldn't be that hard for you to find her, although the cost to get in may stop you." Dahyun informed
"Oh really, so one of those fancy high end ones? I'm not really fussed about money so I don't need to worry about that."
"I almost forgot too, it's fully booked for the next few days so that will definitely stop you."
"Yeah, in the meantime I do know where Jeong is." Nayeon says
"Yep, she isn't that hard to find actually. Her whole life is scheduled now."

"I see, thank you guys."
"No, (Y/n), thank you for seeing us. Because now we've worked something out and actually spoke about our problems instead of bottling them up longer." Nayeon smiles
"I guess we can help each other get by from now on then."
"Yeah, we'd like that." Dahyun replies
"Great, oh no I'm gonna be late, sorry to leave early guys, here's the money for the drink and thank you once again."
"No problem, you have my number so don't hesitate to call back, by the way what are you late for?"
"Just my roommate being my roommate." (Y/n) laughs before getting his helmet and leaving the café

"I think things are going to start changing around here."
"Yeah, and for the better, not the worse hopefully."
"Man I miss crushing attackers."
"Me too."

A/n: A very very late chapter, studying is getting in the way of updates, just started Stats and Mechanics in maths. Yay.

But anywho, I just wanted to say Spurs are the best team in England as proven by them being at the top of the premier league table.

Thanks for reading!

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