Part 13: Old or New, New or Old

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"Alright everyone, your training has been good but today we're going to have a match." (Y/n) announced
"Against who?" Jihyo asked
"Your new teammates."
"New teammates?"
"Yep, everyone can you hurry up getting ready." (Y/n) called down the tunnel

Seven players came onto the field, when Yeji saw who they were she chuckled
"Everyone. Meet Mihyun, Yewon, Seunghee, Shi-Ah, Yubin, Jiho and Hyojung." (Y/n) said
"So I know I'm not a maths person but this doesn't exactly add up, there's 20 players in total meaning one team is going to be two people short." Nayeon pointed out
"Don't worry about that, I'll join their team, Yuna, Lia, Chaeryeong you are all with us too. And you guys can get Sunghoon."
"But what about your leg?" Mina asked
"I won't run, I'll just use my left foot too. Don't worry about it."
"Hold up a minute, who said I'm playing?" Sunghoon asked
"I did, so get some boots on and some training clothes."
"This is so unfair."

The teams got ready, the original JPK team were regular training shirts and the Busan team were wearing bibs.
"Is everyone ready?" Miss Min said, with her whistle in hand
"Wait a minute, why isn't Miss Min playing instead of (Y/n), wouldn't that make more sense?" Sana asked
"(Y/n) isn't the only one who had a career ending injury you know, and I thought you guys listened to me." Miss Min sighed
"Oh yeah I forgot." Sana laughed embarrassedly
"Ok, Busan kick off."
Miss Min blew the whistle and the game started.

Team Busan kicked off first, and instantly went on the attack. Shi-Ah passed to (Y/n) who switched the ball to Seunghee who was running down the wing already. Her burst of pace was too quick for Chaeyoung and even Momo to keep up with, Seunghee crossed the ball into Shi-Ah who headed it towards the goal, Tzuyu barely got a touch to it and the ball went out for a corner.
"What the hell was that!? You're not supposed to let her dribble past you!" Tzuyu shouted
"She's too fast." Chaeyoung said, getting into the box ready for the corner
"It's like they're telepathic." Jihyo mumbled
"Tell me about it."

(Y/n) put his hand up for the corner, he went up to the ball and crossed it straight into the head of Jiho who headed the ball into the net with insane power.
"1-0, I know (Y/n) told me they played together before but this is insane."

"So how'd you find them anyway?"
"Years ago we used to play with each other, Mihyun is my cousin and the others were friends."
"I see, but you said you used to play together. Does that mean they're better than our team now?"
"Possibly, they've not taken a break from playing together so I wouldn't be surprised if they obliterated our team now. We're still rusty, so their chemistry will make them look like prime Barcelona."
"Why play the match anyway if they're still rusty?"
"Because the Busan team are the white vinegar."
"The what now?"
"You let something rusting sit in white vinegar and then you can wipe the rust off easily. So what I'm saying is that if they play against each other..."
"...they'll regain their old form?"
"Kinda but not necessarily, they'll still be rough around the edges, just needs a bit of sanding and polishing and they'll be as good as new."
"You and your DIY analogies."

(Y/n) and Mihyun were absolutely tearing it up in the midfield, Yeji knew the power of the two individually but combined they were insane.
Yewon got the ball on the right wing and dribbled it to the box, nutmegging Dahyun in the process, and Dahyun being herself took it personally and tried to get the ball back, leading the her getting nutmegged again.
Yewon crossed the ball into the box where Jihyo headed it out, the ball dropped in the path of Shi-Ah who Danny Rose esque volleyed the ball into the top corner making the score 2-0.
"I can't keep up with them, it's like the ball always falls to them no matter what we do." Jihyo growled
"It's too fast paced."

(Y/n) could see them getting angrier by the seconds, he knew his plan was coming together slowly but surely. He looked to Sunghoon who hit him in the back of the head.
"You're making me play CAM when you know I play as a Centre back."
"It's all part of the plan, relax."
"I'll show you relaxed, I wasn't even supposed to play."

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