Part 23: Saying Too Much

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The team were in the dressing room getting ready for their latest match, they engaged in conversation whilst getting changed.
"So have there been any more updates on the America situation?" Jihyo asked Nayeon
"Not yet, I want to ask him myself but if he found out I looked through his laptop without asking... I don't know what he'd do."
"You haven't told anyone else though, right?"
"Obviously, it's just you, me, and the ones who were with him in the States."

"You know, I heard our opponents joined the league at the same time as us, maybe we could score a few more than last time." Momo pointed out
"I wouldn't count on it, you never know how good our opponents are gonna be until Y/n tells us. If he says it's fine, I trust him." Tzuyu replies
"So I heard Y/n and Nayeon got caught in bed together, did you know that?"
"It was a complete misunderstanding!" Nayeon yells from the other side of the room
"Sure, so what was he like Nayeon? As good as you expected?" Tzuyu teased
"We didn't do anything! And besides even if we did why would I tell you?"
"You're telling me you'd withhold that info from the rest of us, and here I thought we were friends." Momo shrugged and sighed
"How about we make a bet, everyone goes in with ₩250,000 and the first one to convince Y/n to do it gets all the money?" Nayeon suggests
"Are you assuming that we'd even want t-"
"Give it up, we're not fooling anyone. Believe me I know from an outsider's point of view we're already perceived as being completely into him." Chae says, putting her shin pads on.
"Oh yeah, how do you know?" Tzuyu asked
"Because the outsider told me themselves, it's not a shock to anyone."
"If you insist, so about that bet-"

Mina, who had been silently sitting in the corner lacing her boots, finally spoke up albeit quietly
"Why do you have to bet on such a thing as that?"
"What do you mean?" Nayeon asked
"I mean are you really only interested in having sex with Y/n? Imagine how he'd feel if he found out that you were saying these things."
"I guess-"
"Sex is supposed to be an intimate thing, between two people who truly care about each other, not just another challenge to bet on. If you're that keen on doing it, just ask him and see how he reacts. He'll ask why, and then you should tell him to his face that it's not because you love him, but because you're getting money for it." Mina continued
Jihyo smiled at Mina's comments, knowing had the conversation gone on a second later without Mina's input, she would've said the same.
"Just out of curiosity, has it occurred to you that maybe we're trying to get him to do it because we think that it would give us a better chance at getting closer to him." Tzuyu countered
"You say it's an intimate thing between people who care about each other, what if we want to become the person he cares about and this is the way for it to happen."

"You still don't get it." Mina sighed
"Do you really think that is what Y/n cares about of all things? Do you think he would care more about us after seeing what we look like without any clothes? Y/n cares about us because we're the people he's closest to, and you want to risk that because you think he'd care more about having sex with you? You seriously know nothing about Y/n if that's where your head's at."
Tzuyu knew she didn't have a leg to stand on in this debate, because ultimately Mina was right, and Tzuyu knew from the beginning.
"I know... I just thought that maybe if I could offer something more than just being me, then maybe he'd show me more attention, that's all."
"Being yourself is all Y/n ever wants from any of us, I'm surprised you didn't catch on with that."
"Still... it would've been nice to find out if Y/n's a virgin or no-"

"Ok that's enough! I've had it with you guys! You're saying this shit acting like I'm not even here, I don't want to know about the fantasies you have about my brother!" Yeji shouted
The entire way through the conversation, Yeji had tried to drown out the others by putting her headphones in and turning them to full volume yet the others were still louder.
"Would you guys mind keeping it down? I wouldn't be surprised if the entire fucking stadium could hear you, and just a word of advice, if Y/n was right outside like I was, he would've heard everything, but luckily for you he wasn't. Now be quiet and get changed." Miss Min scolded the group
The entire room fell silent as Miss Min left, for a few seconds there was silence before the least likely of people spoke again
"He's not a virgin." Sana said
The rest of the group just turned to look at her as she adjusted the strings on her shorts, none of them knew what to say
"How do you know?" Momo asked
"I just know."
For a second, the entire team dismissed it as more of a guess than anything, but it didn't take long for them to realise that wasn't what she meant.
"Wait." Jihyo and Jeongyeon said
"Hold on a second." Nayeon, Mina, Chae, and Dahyun added
"Hold up." Tzuyu and Momo looked at Sana suspiciously
"Don't say another word, any of you." Yeji huffed
Momo got up and marched over to Yeji, before pushing her out of the locker room and closing the door behind her.
"They talking about Y/n's sex life still?" Miss Min asked
"Don't start."

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