Part 12: Busan Backup

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It was a few weeks after the team had gotten sorted out with all of their systems being in place, including facilities like a pitch and even an office, but the office was (Y/n) and Sunghoon's dining room in their apartment.

The team was currently training on the pitch and getting used to playing together again, when Miss Min ran up to (Y/n).
"Did you get the go ahead to play in the league?" (Y/n) asked
"Yeah, aren't you glad I have connections? But I did one better."
"Did one better? What do you mean? (Aside) Nayeon keep those knees up!"
"I got a friendly match for us, to play before the season starts."
"That's perfect, it's exactly what we need to get rid of the rust." (Y/n) cheered
"That's the same as what I thought."
"So who's it against?"
"Boeun Sangmu."
"Are you kidding me!? Why would you put our only recently reunited squad up against a team who is in the first division!?"
"Relax, they only got seven points last season. What's there to worry about?"
"Everything! We don't have a full bench, our squad is literally a rookie team that haven't played together for three years and I haven't even had a chance to see the other team play let alone guess what kind of tactics they're gonna use."
"You said you'd get players, so whose fault is that?"
"I haven't had the time, I've been managing everything behind the scenes."
"Well I'll handle things here until you get the players, you said you knew exactly where some are so hurry up."
"Fine, you already know the tactics they need to practice. When is the friendly?"
"Three days from now."
"Ok, I won't be back until tomorrow so I trust you to close up."
"Don't worry about it."

(Y/n) left the pitch, went to the car park and got on his motorcycle. He rode to a train station and purchased a ticket from Seoul to Busan, he got onto the train and took his seat.
"Excuse me, I have the window seat." A woman said
"Oh, I'm sorry." (Y/n) stood up so the woman could sit in her seat, (Y/n) then sat back down in his own seat
"Do you play?" She asked
"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Lee Ji-eun."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Hwang (Y/n)."
"Likewise, as I asked before do you play football?"
"How'd you get to that conclusion?" (Y/n) asked
"You're wearing football boots."
"Ohh, right. I don't play anymore, I used to but I got injured. I'm the manager of a team now. So what do you do?"
"I make advertising and run social media for companies, although no one really employs me since social media is nothing new anymore."
"Nothing new? You must've been working with it for a while then."
"Yeah, I have actually."
"Have you done advertisements for any big companies?" (Y/n) asked
"I worked on Samsung for a bit, FC Seoul too."
"That's really impressive, did you say you were looking for employment?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Our team was literally made only three weeks ago, and I wouldn't mind having someone who can do advertising and social media, I've got a lot on my plate at the moment so I can't do it myself."
"Well your offer sounds interesting but I don't know anything about your team, and I'm going to Busan for an interview at a company."
"Well if that interview doesn't work and you're in need of work... just swing by this address and I'd love to have you on board." (Y/n) said, writing his address down on a piece of paper
"Oh thank you."
"No problem."

An hour into the Journey, the two were still talking away
"So you didn't actually tell me, why are you on your way to Busan anyway?" Ji-eun asked
"I'm going to get some more players for the team, the reason I'm going all the way to Busan to do so is because there's players I used to play with before, really talented girls."
"Girls? I thought you said it was a men's team."
"I didn't actually say it was male or female, you didn't ask."
"So you used to play football with girls?"
"Yeah, UCFSL Champions three years in a row. But that was with a different team."
"That's impressive, I didn't know it was that popular."
"You'd be surprised."

The train eventually came to its final stop and the pair said goodbye to each other before leaving the train and walking through the station. He bought a drink in a small shop in the station and continued on his way, he got out of the station to see the sky was now dark and it was colder than in Seoul.
"Taxi!" He called
The taxi pulled over and (Y/n) got in
"So where to?" The driver asked
"_____ please."
"Ok, I can do that."
The ride wasn't very far out but was long enough for (Y/n) to get a few songs in on headphones, when the taxi finally stopped (Y/n) paid and got out. He looked up at the house he was outside of.

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