Part 5: Worth fighting for

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"And at the end here what you basically want to do is just bring your arms back into the starting positions and keep you feet spread apart. And breathe, ok that is how easy it is, just a weekly class of this and you'll be getting back into those skinny jeans in no time, well done everyone."

"Is she seriously in that room?"
"Every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. That's only one of the classes she does, I told you she has a schedule, a really tight one." Nayeon said
(Y/n) and Nayeon were currently wearing gym clothes and standing outside of a room with many yoga mats and some exercise bikes in the far corner, a class had just finished and everyone was leaving the room.
"So now what?" (Y/n) asked
"Now we wait for the next class to start which is ours."
"What class is it?"

"Taekwondo!? I can't do taekwondo!"
"Sure you can, it's just kicking. You played football for a living, relax." Nayeon said
"One second, I need to call Dahyun."
"Ok, the class doesn't start for three more minutes so just make it quick."
(Y/n) walked away from Nayeon and to the other side of the corridor where he took out his phone and dialled Dahyun's number
"Dahyun, did you know what Jeongyeon does?"
"Yeah why?"
"Did you know what class Nayeon signed me up for?"
"Oh shit."
"Yeah! Exactly, oh shit! I can't do Taekwondo, my leg isn't exactly made for that type of thing anymore."
"Well maybe we can cancel it for today? Try and get another lesson?"
"Nayeon said this was the only one available. No more Yoga, Pilates or anything."
"Well I guess you only have one option then, kick with your left foot." Dahyun said
"I suppose, and if they end up finding out?"
"Then you should think of a good enough excuse, like I don't know, possibly falling off of a ladder or something along those lines."
"Ok, I'll tell you how it goes."
"Great, have fun."

(Y/n) walks back to Nayeon and they both enter the room after many other people enter before them, they take their places at the back of the studio and Jeongyeon starts to speak.
"Welcome back everyone, and welcome to those who have started today. Today we will be doing some one on one matches using skills you have been using in our previous classes. Before we start, can I get a show of hands if there is anyone here who has played or plays any sports that use your feet."
A few people put their hands in the air and Nayeon and (Y/n) did the same, Jeongyeon looked around the room and looked at the people who had their hands up, and her eyes landed on (Y/n) and Nayeon.

"Ok, only a few of you. Well it looks like we know who should pair up based on this, everyone who has been to previous classes please stand on this side of the room. Everyone who is new stand to the other side."
"Why does it feel like she's disappointed that we're here?" (Y/n) whispers to Nayeon
"Maybe because you left without saying anything to her, I don't know." Nayeon responded sarcastically
Once Jeongyeon was finished setting up the pairs on the experienced side of the room, she came up to the people on the other side.
Including Nayeon and (Y/n), there were five people, so Jeongyeon splits them into pairs
"It seems like there's an odd number of people here, no matter, you can train against me." Jeongyeon said, facing (Y/n)
Nayeon was paired up with another person and (Y/n) was paired with Jeongyeon, and thus everyone began their one on ones.

Jeongyeon stood across from (Y/n), about a meter and a half of distance between them. Jeongyeon started with a few kick jabs to the side of the torso whilst (Y/n) remained in a defensive position. That was until (Y/n) saw an opportunity and took it, using his left foot to kick Jeongyeon's arm.
"He's using his left foot, is he trying to go easy on me, how pathetic." Jeongyeon thought
The two continued, Jeongyeon grew angrier every time (Y/n) used his left foot. It felt like an eternity for (Y/n), the look of hatred in Jeongyeon's eyes whilst she kicked at him, he knew she had something bottled up inside and he was willing to help her let it out if it meant for him to take a beating.

But then came the mistake, Jeongyeon got to a point where she couldn't stand it anymore. She felt (Y/n) not using his right foot was an insult, as if he was taunting her and making her feel weak because he didn't use his dominant foot. So she let her anger out, and kicked straight at (Y/n)'s shin on his right leg.
The room fell silent but only for a second, as (Y/n) fell to the ground, clutching his leg and screaming in pain. Nayeon instantly run over to the pair and she tried to help (Y/n). She looked up at Jeongyeon who had a face of mixed emotions, guilt, anger, sadness.
"What is wrong with you!" Nayeon shouted
"I-I-I didn't mean to." Jeongyeon said shakily

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