Part 15: A day off

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"No practice!?" The team asked
"Nope, I'm just gonna give you all a day off." (Y/n) said
"No buts, just go out and enjoy your day, or stay at home and read I don't know. Just have fun and recharge."
"Can we still play football?"
"But that's not fair." Dahyun said
"If you get burnt out before the next match then what'll happen?"
"I guess you're right, fine then I'll just stay at home and play videogames."
"No you're not, you're coming shopping with me!" Nayeon said
"I guess I have no choice."
"No you don't."

After mostly everyone left, (Y/n) was in his little office in the stadium which was basically an equipment cupboard. He then heard a knock at the door
"Come in." He said
The door opened and Mina walked in,
"Hey (Y/n)." She mumbled nervously
"Oh Mina, are you ok?"
"Yeah, it's just..."
"Just what?"
"Are you planning on doing anything today?"
"I can't say that I am, just these spreadsheets but I'll probably do these tonight instead. Why? Is there anything on your mind?"
"Well since you're not planning on doing much I just thought of asking if you'd like to have a day out... with me."
"Really? I'd love to, it's been a while since I've actually been anywhere nice, where did you have in mind?"
"Eurwangni beach maybe?"
"The beach?"
"O-or we could just g-go to the mall or something." Mina stuttered
"Why don't we do both?" (Y/n) smiled
"Really? You mean it?"
"Yeah it'll be fun, we'll go to the mall throughout the start of the day and then in the evening we'll go to the beach."
"That sounds perfect!"

(Y/n) grabbed his jacket and left his office with Mina, closing the door behind them. They walked to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus to the mall.
"Are you upset? About yesterday?" (Y/n) asked
"A bit, doing that for the first time in years left me exhausted. Like in school I was able to do that maybe two to four times in a single game but now it's just taken all my energy out of me."
"I know what you're feeling, you just need to let your body readapt to that again. But those opponents were first division so I don't think you'd need to worry for now because none of our next opponents are that strong."
"It's not that I don't want to use Illusion, it's just I want to win without having to use it all the time. But you're right, I should recondition my body to get used to it again." Mina sighed
The bus arrived and the two got on before sitting at the back next to the window.

They bus ride was short but nice, looking out of the window at the city was somewhat soothing to the pair, when the bus stopped they got off and were standing in front of the mall.
"So where to first?" (Y/n) asked, eyeing the mall up and down
"How about to get some ice cream?" Mina suggested
"You read my mind." (Y/n) smiled
The two made their way to the ice cream shop and Mina looked at all of the available flavours
"I don't know what I want." She said
"Well I know what I want, Mint Choc Chip!"
"Why do you always go with the controversial opinions?"
"Because I can, it makes me unique."
"You're the weirdest but most normal person I've ever met (Y/n)." Mina laughed
"I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult."
"I guess I'll just get the same as you."

So both of them got Mint Choc Chip, they left the store eating their ice creams and decided to move onto the next place which was the fountain in the centre of the mall.
"It looks even better up close doesn't it." Mina said
"I agree, when you say that it reminds me of something, or maybe someone."
"Huh? (Y/n) did you mean-"
"Sana? Yep I definitely meant Sana." (Y/n) joked around
"Hey! That's no fair you liar!" Mina pouted
Mina then jokingly tried to fight (Y/n) but the only thing she could do was move his arm which made (Y/n)'s ice cream go straight into his face.
"Mina!" (Y/n) tried to get Mina back but she ran out of his grasp just quick enough
Mina couldn't stop laughing, she was having the most fun she's had in years.

Nearby another person noticed the two, they were seated in the food court
"Hey Nayeon, isn't that Mina and (Y/n)?" Dahyun asked
Nayeon turned and saw (Y/n) and Mina laughing with each other, they looked like a couple but for some reason, Nayeon didn't feel happy about it
"Yeah it is."
"Anyway I wanted to try the new football boots they got in at the store so let's go."
Dahyun left the table and skipped along going to the store, Nayeon slowly stood up walking after her
"What's this feeling I'm having? Why does it hurt so much? Could this be... Jealousy?"

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