Part 18: Preparation

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Training was a great success the next day, any previous anger or tension felt by (Y/n) or Sana was gone, they both felt more happy and relaxed than they did before.
"Their defenders are amazing, but don't let them fool you. Their whole team is good and focusing solely on their defenders would be careless and irresponsible." (Y/n) said
"Their attackers have great chemistry together so watch out for their passing channels." Miss Min added
"But how do we exploit them?" Dahyun asked
"Good question, but I'd rather tell you all on the day of the match."
"Why? If there's a way to win we have the right to know about it now!" Mihyun argued
"Trust me if I tell you now you wouldn't understand what I mean."
"Please Mimi calm down."
As soon as (Y/n) said the nickname she stopped talking and kept quiet, she couldn't argue with him if he used that nickname on her.

"So what do you suggest we do now?" Jihyo asked
"At the moment I'd say we should work on counter attacking first."
"Why's that?"
"From footage I've watched when they go on the attack, their defensive line pushes higher up the pitch. If we could use that to our advantage our chances of winning could be increased."
"And what's our chance of winning right now?"
"From my current calculations I would say we have around a 32.8% chance of winning."
"32.8!?" The squad burst into conversation and annoyance rung out among the crowd of players
"Hey listen up!" (Y/n) shouted
"..." the squad looked at him, shocked. Never had they heard him speak like that
"As I was saying before I was interrupted, we have a smaller chance of winning but what do you expect when we've only played one game and only done a few practice sessions with each other. You need to look at the bigger picture here."

"And what would that be?"
"Depending on your performance studying their tactics and doing training over the next few days, you could be looking at us increasing our chances of victory to anywhere up to 81%. Anyway I'm going to move on to individual performance reviews for today's training."
"Performance review?" Chaeyoung asked
"Yep, ok first is Sana. Great in a one on one situation, stamina is excellent and finishing is perfect, the only downside is that you need to keep your composure the whole way through."
Sana's face went red as she thought of different connotations for what that review could also mean
"Ok next is Momo, very fast paced and exceedingly fluid at switching positions. Composure is a nine out of ten however your stamina has room to improve."
"I know, I'm trying to improve." Momo sighed
"Really I'd actually like to see if you've improved in our next session. Ok moving on, Tzuyu, great work with your hands and didn't let a single ball slip through your fingers today. However flexibility could be better, you looked a bit too stiff out there today."
"Gotcha, I should really go for a massage to relax my muscles." Tzuyu thought out loud

Once the individual reviews were done, (Y/n) headed to the nearby convenience store to grab a few drinks to restock the canteen. He grabbed a few drinks and paid for them before heading out to go back to the stadium, that's when he saw Sana in the pharmacy across the street.
"Huh? Maybe she's got muscle pain for training, I'll have to look into that later." (Y/n) said
A few minutes after he got back to the stadium, (Y/n) thought he was the only person still there until he heard a noise from the bathroom. Thinking it could've been some sort of animal that had found it's way in, (Y/n) decided to check it out.
He went into the bathroom and was relieved when all he saw was Sana, she was looking in the mirror holding something in her hands
"Sana?" (Y/n) said
The sudden noise made Sana jump and she accidentally dropped what was in her hands, it fell on the floor and (Y/n) saw it, a pregnancy test.
"It's not what it looks like." She said, picking it back up off the floor
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to worry, it's not that it matters anyway since it's negative." She sighed
"It's probably for the best right now, but Sana if anything is troubling you at all you can come to me and I will help you."
"I was just scared that if you knew, then you'd get mad at me."
(Y/n) pulled Sana into his embrace and sighed
"Don't worry about that, the only way I'd ever get mad at you is if you'd miss an open goal in the 90th minute."
The joke made Sana laugh and she hugged (Y/n) back, she looked up at him and he had a heartwarming smile on his face.
"Thank you (Y/n)."
"Don't mention it, right now how about we actually go through tactics today." (Y/n) laughed

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