Part 20: Spare Time

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"So when you get to the halfway line, you look for your teammates. If you're not on the ball, you need to find the space so you can be passed to. If you don't have any passing options then you have two choices, either dribble or pass back to the keeper. I know it sounds cowardly to pass back to your keeper but if it helps to open up the play more then don't hesitate to do it. Any questions?"

The students looked at (Y/n), taking down notes at the same time. Nobody looked like they were going to ask anything, until a hand holding a pen rose up. It was Seonghwa once again.
"Seonghwa, go ahead." (Y/n) chuckled
"Those things that Momo and Mina did, is it possible for someone like me to learn something like that?"
(Y/n) laughed for a second before scratching the back of his head
"Well it's not impossible, but it requires an insane amount of skill, time, hard work, dedication and perseverance."
"Can you teach me?" Seonghwa asked
"Yeah me too!" The other students said
"Maybe next time guys, but for now let's just stick to what's right ahead of us right now."
"Aw man."
"Sorry guys but I just don't have the time, and I haven't seen enough from you yet."
"Then next time I'll make sure you see enough! And you will teach me!"
"If you impress me it's a deal."

(Y/n) got his stuff and was ready to leave when Miss Min came up to him
"Thanks for that (Y/n), they hadn't shut up about you since the match the other day, especially Seonghwa."
"He's a good kid, I hadn't seen anyone that determined to learn from me since Ryu- well you know what I'm talking about." (Y/n) sighed
"Yeah I know... but do you really think they'll be able, they're nowhere near how you guys were when you were playing."
"Anyone can grow in ability if they're willing to put in the hard work. I think they can do it. But for now they're not the only ones I'm teaching to do moves like that."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Lets just say we can truly replace me at CAM if this works well."
"Hah, good luck with that."
Before (Y/n) got onto his motorcycle, his phone vibrated in his back pocket, he took it out and read the notification.

Come to this Address if you want to see your precious Centre back Nayeon again. Otherwise you can say goodbye now.

"What is this...?" (Y/n) asked himself
It sounded like a threat and (Y/n) played over the scenarios in his head, could it be possible that one of Seulgi or Yeri had gotten to her, or worse both of them?
Without wasting any time, (Y/n) put on his helmet and started up his hike before speeding off to the address.
Thoughts of worry clouded his mind and at that moment all that mattered to him was that if Nayeon was alright.

He got to the address and looked up at the building, it was a bowling alley. He was confused for a second as he pushed up the visor on his helmet, someone then knocked on the back of his helmet as if it were a door.
(Y/n) turned around and looked at the person, it was Nayeon and she was smiling at him. (Y/n) got off the bike and hugged Nayeon tightly.
"Hi (Y/n) I-"
"Thank God you're ok, what's wrong what happened?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to get you here."
"I was so worried, that's such a dirty trick!" (Y/n) took a moment to breathe as he removed his helmet and ran his hand back through his hair.
Genuine relief was on his face and it made Nayeon guilty but also somewhat happy, because he was worrying about her.
"You seriously came here thinking something happened? You care about me that much?" Nayeon asked
"Of course I do! Nayeon I can't lose you, not again."
"Well that's good to know." She blushed
"So why did you drag me here if you were alright?"
"I overheard your conversation with coach the other day in the changing room."

"How much did you hear?" (Y/n) stuttered nervously
"Enough." Nayeon giggled
"But like how m-"
"You said you'd treat us all equally."
"So that's why I brought you here, I mean you did take Mina out on a date a few weeks back. So I thought 'why shouldn't I get a date too?'"
"That's what this is about? Nayeon you could've just asked, to be fair I should've seen it from a mile away as soon as it said Centre Back."
"Ha, I outsmarted you!"
"Next time, just ask otherwise it'll be like the boy who cried wolf."
"The what?"
"An old tale, don't worry about it. So you chose bowling huh?"
"Yes I did."
"The only time I've ever played bowling was on Wii Sports, so forgive me if I lose."
"Why do you think I picked it? It's a game I'm good at and actually have a chance at winning."

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