Part 8: Do you remember?

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"It was the 72nd minute, we were drawing. Their new CAM had been playing well the whole game but there was no way we'd let this slip, not then, not ever."

"The defenders come up for the corner, Myoui fires into the box and it's headed out, two JPK players go for the volley, and they've collided!"
The studs of one player were deeply rooted into the other's shin
There was only 18 minutes left, and even though the player could feel pain, he wasn't going to stop his game now, not a chance.
Maybe if he didn't play on, he would've been ok.

When the game finished, the team celebrated their last win together, this is where their problems began.
"(Y/n) look at me, you've got to go to the hospital now." The coach said
"I'm fine, my leg is fine." (Y/n) replied, walking away with a limp
Jihyo stood in his way and turned him back in the direction of the coach
"You're going to the hospital, even if I have to literally drag you there myself." The coach said again
"Ugh fine, I'll go."
"Good, right I should go tell the others we're gonna run an errand or something." The coach smiled
"I'm going with you." Dahyun said, appearing from around a corner
"Dahyun, how long have you been there?" Jihyo asked
"Long enough to know what's going on."
"I guess Dahyun's coming too then." The coach said
"But Miss Min, wouldn't this many of us leaving be obvious to the others?"
"Perhaps, but still we need to get you to a doctor."

And so the four of them left and Miss Min drove them to the hospital in her car, they got out and took (Y/n) into the A&E, the woman at the front desk looked at the four
"How can I help you today?"
"We think this boy here has broken or fractured his leg."
"I see, in relation who is the boy to you?"
"His teacher."
"Ok, can you please fill out the paperwork, contact the boy's parents and wait over there."
"Sure, thank you."
Jihyo, Dahyun, (Y/n) and Miss Min sit down in the waiting area which was somewhat empty which was weird compared to usual where it was normally full of people.
(Y/n) seemed weirdly calm and it didn't feel the slightest bit right for Jihyo, the guilt was building up inside of her.

After only ten minutes of waiting, a doctor called for them
"Hwang (Y/n), we'll see you now."
"Jihyo, Dahyun, you wait here, ok?" Miss Min said
"Ok." They responded
(Y/n), the doctor and Miss Min went into the room, the doctor took a seat at a desk with a computer whilst (Y/n) and Miss Min sat on other chairs.
"So it says here that you think you've done something to your leg is that correct?" The doctor asked
"Yes that's right." (Y/n) said
"Ok, so where is the problem itself on the leg?"
"It's on the shin, right here." (Y/n) pointed
"Does it feel numb or is it painful when you touch it?"
"Really painful."
"Alright, well it might be a fracture or possibly even a break. The only way to check properly however is to do an x-ray."
"Will it take long?" (Y/n) asked
"No, quite the opposite actually, it'll only be around ten minutes to wait for the the actual x-ray to come through."

And so they went and did the x-ray, (Y/n) stayed calm for the most part, not because he was scared of the X-ray itself but instead, the outcome. When they got back to the original room from the X-Ray room, the doctor received the results on the computer.
"Oh my, ok." They said
"How is it doc?" Miss Min asked
"Was football just a hobby or a career option for you Mr Hwang?"
"It was a career option for him, he got an offer from a professional team."
"I sorry, but you can see here that it's a clean break that isn't good for a career like that. If you continue to play football excessively then there is a high chance you'll continue breaking your leg and you won't be the same as normal."
"So you're saying his career is finished before it's even started?" Miss Min asked
"Yes, I'm sorry. We're going to need to put a cast on it now however, so it doesn't worsen."

An hour later they came back out to the waiting area where Jihyo, Dahyun and (Y/n)'s parents were waiting. Jihyo looked at him in anticipation and (Y/n) looked down and shook his head.
", (Y/N) NO. Please tell me you're joking."
"He's not." Miss Min said
"No, please! Tell me you're ok (Y/n), look me in the eyes and tell me you're ok!"
And all (Y/n)'s response was, was a simple
"I'm sorry Jihyo."
She began to break down, guilt and sadness took over her like a virus, Jihyo started to cry as she looked at (Y/n) who had a straight face.
"(Y/n), this can't happen to you. Not now! You're supposed to go to Lille! You're supposed to become the best! You can't be injured! Please (Y/n)."

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