Part 14: Friendly Competition

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"I just don't understand it, why does she have to act all mysterious? Sending letters to the young ones, giving my notepad back, coming to the training. What exactly happened before she left?"(Y/n) asked Miss Min
"Nothing at all out of the ordinary, she used your note pad a lot."
"Is that it?"
"I mean there was a time where she lashed out because of that CAM from GBL university."
"The one we faced-"
"In your last game. The next year we played them and she totally destroyed us, she said something to Ryujin that day and I couldn't hear what it was, but whatever it was caused her to change."
"She trained non stop, skipping out on some classes to do so. Something snapped, maybe her sanity or maybe her tolerance. All I know is this, she used all of that to gain her pro contract."
(Y/n) got up from his seat and walked over to the front door of the apartment
"Is that it for the day?" Miss Min asked
"So where are you going then?"
"Just for a walk."

(Y/n) left the apartment and went for a jog, he ended up and the team's pitch, he went in and practiced alone under the floodlights. He used his right foot a few times but mostly used his left.
Theoretically he could still play at club level, but maybe in a nowhere near world class league. He may even be able to still make a team like Busan IPark with whom had previously had trails with as a teenager.
He dribbled around three set piece dummies and four cones before he shot the ball into the top right corner, this was nowhere close to how good he used to be.
"Emptiness, even though I have the others back I can still feel it." He said to himself
"Maybe it's because you know you'll never be the same again."
He turned and saw his cousin, who waved slightly
"What are you doing here?"
(Y/n) passed the ball to Mihyun
"I could ask the same, I just had a feeling you would be here. I just didn't know what you be doing, so I came to check it out." Mihyun passed back
"You been doing well at the hotel?"
"Yeah, it's not grand but it's nice and cosy."
"That's good to hear."
"Hey can I ask you something?"
"This Ryujin girl, the one everyone is worrying about. What was she like when you were playing with her?"

"She was a good kid, she was such a creative person because she'd always try and add to my tactics. The best way to describe her though... an innovator."
"An innovator?"
"Like she takes something that someone else has made, and uses her own ability to improve that thing. She makes advancements in her football by learning from others. That doesn't only count for tactics either, she copies on the pitch too."
"Copies on the pitch?"
"You can do the most outrageous skill move you know right in front of her and depending on how hard it is she could perfect it in a matter of minutes."
"That's scarily dangerous."
"You're telling me, it's why I never used my best skill anywhere near her."
"Your... best skill?"
"It's something that will guarantee a goal from anywhere on the pitch. But it takes a toll on your feet. It can almost certainly break your foot if you don't do it exactly right."
"That's amazing, and scary at the same time. How'd you learn such a move in the first place?"
"I can't remember exactly, all I know is that I taught myself how to use it properly, even then I'd still hurt the muscles."
"I see."
"I'm going back home, I need to plan for the friendly."
"Good luck."

"(Y/n) you did great! And I heard that someone from Osasuna was watching you!" Sana cheered
"Really? Osasuna? No way."
"Yes way! People around the whole school were talking about it!"
"That's crazy! You really outdid yourself out there today (Y/n)." Jeongyeon smiled
"Thanks, you were amazing too. I don't think a single player got past you." (Y/n) returned the compliment
"(Y/n) I need to talk to you, my office please." Miss Min said
"Yes Coach."
"Good luck!" Sana said
Jihyo looked sad, if the speculation was correct then (Y/n) would be leaving
(Y/n) walked into the office and closed the door, Miss Min was sitting next to a man in a suit
"What's this about coach?"
"I'll get straight to the point, Mr Lopez here would like you to join the Osasuna under 18s."
"That's amazing! But does that mean I have to move to Spain?"
"But what about here? What about the team?"
"You'll have to leave them behind."
"I'm sorry I can't do that, I'm not going to leave them behind."

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