Part 19: The Iron Wall

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철벽 FC we're going to be the first team to kick off, when their striker Mia went to the centre circle, Mihyun took some time to look at her. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary, usually she could tell a player was good by a way they felt or acted so what was so bad about this player?
"Stare at her any longer and she'll think you're a stalker or something." Yeji said, making Mihyun jump
"Yeji? Are you sure that (Y/n) is right about her?" She asked
"I used to be exactly like you, when me and him were in middle school. But those years that you missed, you don't know (Y/n) as well as us anymore. You'll just need to get used to him then you'll trust him."
"It'll be a bit hard for me, yes he's amazing now but I still remember him as the kid who fell over the ball every time he kicked it."
"I know, now come on let's focus on the game ahead."

Mia kicked off and passed the ball to the back line, with no immediate decision to attack.

Dahyun spots an opening for Mina on the left wing, she plays a lofted through ball but the defenders got to the ball first whilst also physically stopping Mina from getting anywhere near it.

철벽 FC were more attacking now, they kept getting more attacking, their CAM Serim was dribbling through Twice's defensive midfielders, sending Yeji in the complete opposite direction of where she was meant to.
"Jihyo, Nayeon stay back! Don't put any pressure otherwise you'll lose their striker!" (Y/n) called out
Serim passed the ball to Mia who was being blocked by Jihyo and Nayeon however she was facing away from them. Serim then ran past the defenders and into space, at the same time Mia played a through ball through Jihyo's legs and straight to Serim.
Jihyo looked for the offside flag but there wasn't one, so she tried to slide tackle Serim before she shot, Jihyo became too predictable for Serim who dragged the ball back letting Jihyo slide past her, she then took the shot and scored past Tzuyu who only got her fingertips to it. 1-0.

"Jihyo don't worry about it! Yeji man-mark Serim, don't let her out of your sight!" (Y/n) said
He looked to the 철벽 FC players and that's when he saw it, all of them went back to defend, they were parking the bus.
"It's only been ten minutes and you're parking the bus!? Real smooth!" (Y/n) shouted angrily to the 철벽 FC manager
"Don't moan it me that you can't get a lead, maybe work on improving your defence first!" They retorted
"Hey knock it off, or you're going into the stands." The fourth official said to both managers
(Y/n) kicked his water bottle which was on the floor and sat back down in his seat frustratedly, the bench players looked on in shock, they knew (Y/n) was already at wits' end and was about to lose his composure quickly.
He leant forward in his seat and was looking downwards with his eyes closed, many of the staff and players thought it was in frustration but Miss Min looked at him closer. He wasn't sad or angry, he was scheming.
He was mumbling away to himself, Miss Min often heard a few numbers and phrases come from him but nothing she could understand, it was like having a puzzle with 80% of the pieces missing.
"Is he alright?" Chaeryeong asked
"Yeah he should be fine, but in all my years that I've known him, I've never seen him do this before."

(Y/n) was still out of it, and it was worrying the players to say the least.
"What's wrong with him?" Mihyun asked
"By the looks of it he's in deep thought, don't worry about it."

Mihyun passed the ball out wide to Mina who tried to make a run down the wing, however Jiwon slide tackled Mina straight away to get the ball out of play, Mina didn't even see her coming. Jeongyeon ran over and took the throw in and passed the ball straight to Sana who, like Mina, got stopped by the defenders.

(Y/n) opened his eyes and looked up for a second, he saw Serim pass to Yiren who sprinted down the wing and cut in, Chaeyoung didn't let her slip however and stayed right in front of her, Yiren cut in yet again with the ball at her left foot as she got away from Chaeyoung inside the box. Yiren then noticed something
"You wanted this to happen..." she giggled
"Perhaps." Chaeyoung replied
"You wanted me to only have my left foot to shoot with, smart but that's not enough to stop me."
Yiren brought her right foot behind the back of her left before hitting the ball with her right foot past Tzuyu and into the back of the net.

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