Part 10: Backroom Staff

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(Y/n) was sitting down reading through his old notebook, it got to a point where his handwriting stopped and another began, with entries on players he didn't recognise.
"Will you get your head out of that book for five seconds, we're supposed to be interviewing candidates for staffing positions." Miss Min sighed
"Right, sorry."
The two were sitting at a table with Sunghoon, as these three were the head staff of the club with Sunghoon filling in for his father.
"I'm surprised no one turned up, like we've been here for fifteen minutes and still no sign of anyone." Sunghoon said
"We've got someone!" Jihyo called from out of the room
"Well that was convenient timing."

The door was opened and a man stepped into the room, he had medium length slicked back hair and was a little bit tanned.

"I heard there was a position for Nutritionist available, am I in the right place?" He said"Yes, were you waiting long?" "No not really, it's just this place was a bit hard to find that's all

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"I heard there was a position for Nutritionist available, am I in the right place?" He said
"Yes, were you waiting long?"
"No not really, it's just this place was a bit hard to find that's all. I would've been here earlier but I got on the wrong bus."
"Well since you're the first one here I guess it doesn't matter too much. So why don't you tell us a bit about yourself." Sunghoon said
The man gave a sheet of paper to Miss Min, when she looked at it she saw it was his CV.
"Ok, my name is Jeon Jinhyuk, I graduated around seven years ago and I usually helped out at my in-laws' restaurant. So I have experience from there and I took that  experience and became a personal trainer."
"Wow, amazing. So how confident are you about being a nutritionist, would you say it was somewhat new to you or is it a field you're rather good with?"

"Well working as a PT I've had to give a lot of advice on nutrition so I'd say I'm about 90% confident."
"That's good enough for me." Sunghoon said
"Actually I'd like to ask a few questions." (Y/n) said, having his first input since the man arrived
"Sure, go ahead."
"First of all, what made you want to choose our business?"
"I've never actually worked with a football team before and I've never worked with a whole big group of people at once before so I thought it would be a good challenge and change of pace for me."
"Ok... so you will definitely be able to handle making meals for around fifteen people not yet including yourself."
"It will be possible, the restaurant I worked at was next to a big train station so it was usually packed."
"Great, that's all I needed to ask. So we'll be in touch soon, you have written all your contact details down on your CV correct?"
"Ok perfect, thank you for applying."
"Thanks for the opportunity."
Jinhyuk then left and Yeji came into the room

"So?" She asked
"What?" (Y/n) said
"Was it someone good or just a 'meh' kinda person?"
"I think he was good." Sunghoon said
"Me too." Miss Min and (Y/n) agreed
Sunghoon then got a phone call, upon seeing the name he answered with a smirk
"Hey....mhm that's right....ok yeah just come in....see ya."
"Who was that?" Yeji asked
"You'll see."
Another guy walked in, this one was waiting semi casual clothes, however still somewhat formal.

"Another guy walked in, this one was waiting semi casual clothes, however still somewhat formal

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