Part 3: An old friend

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"Hey, you alright man?" Sunghoon asked, eating his cereal
"Nah, I think I've come down with a fever, I think work will have to do without me for a day." (Y/n) said, sniffling
"Yeah, you look like you need to rest. You should call ahead and get a sick day."
"I might, so have you got work today?"
"A lot of work, I'm probably gonna be there until like 8pm, I may have skipped past a few things the other day."
"That seems such a you thing to say, I'm gonna call my work."

(Y/n) called his workplace and let them know that he wasn't going to be there, after a while Sunghoon left and (Y/n) was left alone at the apartment. After watching Sunghoon get into his car and driving away, (Y/n)'s posture went back to normal and his dreary looking eyes changed to his regular eyes, full of life.
He was faking being sick, a skill he had learned back in his school days from the others in the team for when they wanted to go and play football instead of going to lessons. He got his phone out of his pocket and looked at the address again before putting it into his map app and getting directions.
(Y/n) left his apartment with his keys and his helmet before getting onto his motorcycle, the first thing he bought when he started working. It was a black Honda CB1100 RS which matched (Y/n)'s matte black helmet.

(Y/n) got onto the bike and rode following the directions he got from his phone

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(Y/n) got onto the bike and rode following the directions he got from his phone. On the way he continued thinking, is this actually the Jihyo he knew or is it some random person who happens to share her name. Was this all a waste of time or was this going to be the real deal?
Before he knew it, (Y/n) was pulling up across the road from the address he had, it seemed his subconscious took over the driving as it was like a second nature to him.

(Y/n) put his kickstand down, turned off the engine and got off of the motorbike, he looked at the building across the road from where he stood with his helmet visor still on, and then he saw it clear as day.
Jihyo, her smile radiating positivity and it felt as if she looked better than before. Her hair was tied up and she was wearing a simple knitted jumper and a skirt, whilst gotten lost looking at Jihyo, (Y/n) got a huge slap around the back of his helmet.
"Ow, what the hell!?" He said
He turned to see Yeji smiling at him, he then put his visor up
"Hey." She said, carrying some dry cleaning
"How'd you know it was me?" (Y/n) asked
"License plate, I know how much you love that bike of yours."
"Ah right, so what are you doing here anyway?"
"Just picking up my dry cleaning and then heading back home, I would ask you too but I already know the answer."
"What do you mean?"
"You're looking for Jihyo, this is where she lives. But the question is, how do you know where she lives, you never kept in contact with any of them." Yeji said suspiciously
"Well it's a weird story-"
"Which I don't have time for, go and speak to her, I need to go and get the dry cleaning back home, see you later (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) took his helmet off and went across the street and to the house on the address, he knocked on the door and waited for a minute or two but there was no answer, he knocked again but a few minutes later it was the same result. He decided to try a third time but after yet another few minutes of nothing, he decided to turn around and leave.
"Hey wait!" He heard
He looked back to see Jihyo and her open door, her clothes were a bit messy but it was most likely that she was trying to rush to get some clothes on
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Jihyo asked, surprised to be in his presence
"I thought I would... like come by... and see how you've been doing." He replied
"Well I've been doing fine, so." She responded with a little bit of annoyance
"Oh, right... ok."
"I'm sorry that was rude of me, would you like to come in for a drink?"
"That would be nice."
(Y/n) went into the house and sat down on the sofa, looking around at the interior decor, he looked to the mantelpiece and saw a picture

"(Y/n) went into the house and sat down on the sofa, looking around at the interior decor, he looked to the mantelpiece and saw a picture

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"Is that Mina?" He asked
"Yeah, we took that the week after graduation."
"Do you... still keep in touch... with them?"
"No, not really, Yeji kinda cause she stops by. Nayeon and I grab drinks every few months but other than that I never hear from the others."
"I see, so what have you been doing all this time?" (Y/n) tried to keep the conversation going
"Not much, I tried getting into law but it was too difficult so I settled for something simpler, I became a part owner of a video store."
"Video store?"
"Like they sell DVDs, CDs, Video games and all that stuff, I have 30% of the ownership."
"That's really impressive."
"So what about you, what have you been doing?"
"Accountancy, nothing too spectacular. I'm living with a friend of mine."
"You were always good with your calculations, so what about the motorbike I saw outside, I thought you wanted a car instead?" Jihyo asked
"I found out bikes are way better in traffic than cars are."

The two talked and talked, and (Y/n) could see Jihyo's face looking a lot more guilty with each passing second.
"Can I ask you something?" (Y/n) said
"Sure, whatever you want."
"If you were given the chance, would you ever... reunite with the team and y'know... start playing again."
The question caught Jihyo off guard, she wasn't ready for it and struggled for an answer
"Well I think, umm, I'm not. *Exhales* The thing is that even if we were to get back together, could you guarantee everyone want want to come back?"
"I guess you're right, you see the thing is that I haven't been, how do you put it, I haven't been myself. Without the team it's just lonely, I'm lonely, and I haven't gotten over not having you guys around anymore."

"(Y/n), look. The way I see it, just go and find them, reconnect with them. And maybe, just maybe they'd like to play one more game, for old times sake."
Jihyo's phone began to ring, she answered it and started talking to the person, meanwhile (Y/n) was thinking about what Jihyo had said to him, she had a point and maybe it was actually possible.
"A loss!? What do you mean a loss!? You miscalculated!? Right I'm coming down there." Jihyo hung up frustratedly and turned to (Y/n)
"I'm so sorry about this but I need to go, but before that I do know Nayeon's phone number if you want to go and speak to her."
Jihyo wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to (Y/n) before getting her coat
"Thanks, trouble at work?"
"Yeah, stupid partners don't know the first thing about handling finances." She sighed
"Ok, well thank you for talking to me, I appreciate it. If you have anything you need don't hesitate to ask."
"Got it, thanks for coming by."

When both of them left, (Y/n) went to his bike and Jihyo got in her car. When she left, (Y/n) took out his phone and dialled the number on the piece of paper and it began to ring
"Hi, is this Nayeon? It's me, have you got any time to talk?"

A/n: Sorry for the lack of updates, recently I've been finding writing in general more difficult, but that doesn't mean I'll give in and let it stop me, I'll still try to the best of my abilities for you guys!
Anyway shameless self promotion here, please watch my Fifa series, join the K-Fic Cafe discord and listen to the K-Fic Cafe podcast!

Anyway I'll be back soon hopefully. Stay safe! Be good people! Thanks for reading!

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