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(btw when the font is like this it's Lucifer speaking)

Lucifer POV

"ohh.., would you look at that, it seems like someone got to comfy on my throne. Doesn't it brother?"
"are my eyes deceiving me, or did you really come back?" said Sammael, my brother.
"it sure seems like I got back, don't you think? but leaving the jokes aside, I want my throne back, brother, and a full report of what has happened since I left"
"ahhh, I see, you're just a man interested in the climax, I'm sure you're a big hit with the ladies"
"never had any complains, the men were impressed too."
" I'm sure they were. And now let's get down to business, I got bored of watching over this hell for you, shall we? "
"Of course, but let's go to a more.......private...place. "
" as you wish, brother. You still remember the way, right?"
" I've  been gone for only 3 years, I think I still know my way around here, brother"
"no need to get passive aggressive there, I'm just asking"

After a few hours of seeing what has changed I finally have some time to have fun.   
And it seems like Sammy does too.
"you wanna have some fun, Luci? "
"you, of all people should know my answer Sammy."
"stop with the nickname, it's stupid"
"just like you, and if you call me Luci I'm calling you Sammy."
"let's just go, I wanna get some food."
" surface, or here?"
"where do you think?"
"surface, they are sweeter there, more sexy too  "
"of course you know this"
"don't be jealous now"
" *pouts* am not, I just prefer to,    keep to myself"
"sure you do brother"

In the meantime

Ok, so I found something, good right?  well, no, cause I can't exactly get to that without hurting myself, well more like the others. But I know an explosive dandelion who can, I just have to find him, and hope he hasn't gone back to Japan yet,    
as his teacher said they would,      

"Pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up PICK THE FUCK UP YOU BASTARD"
"WHAT??" said Bakugou
"ohh, you picked up, finally, look I don't have time, tell me where you are right now?"
"uhh, at the airport?"
"oh geez, well don't move I'm coming there"

Alright I shouldn't be too far, so if I calculated right, which I did, if I start descending right about now, I should, in theory, land right at the airport,
let's hope.

Few minutes later

"Ahhhhhhhhahaha" , 'this is soo much fun, I should have done this before, it's awesome.'

'AHHHH, that's the ground, that's not good. WHY IS THE GROUND COMING TOWARDS ME?? THIS IS NOT GOOD.'

Ohhh I have wings, oops.

"Tch, about time, I got bored waiting for you"  asked Bakagou
"yeah, yeah, why did you come here though?"
"need you help with something, 'my dear boyfriend' ."
"I would 'gladly' help you,    babe   , but I have to go back to Japan"
"I'll take you after we're done, I promise. It shouldn't take long, but please. I really need your help, I'm getting desperate"
"fine, what do you want me to do?"
"I'll explain on, the way, come on"  I go closer to him and pick him up bridal style.
"what the fuck are you doing?"
"picking you up."
"I can walk"
"I know, too bad you can't fly. now hold on."

"alright, we're here, you can open your eyes" I told him
" don't      you       dare       tell   anyone        about      this."
"Ohh, why? do t you want your friends to know you creamed like a little girl?" he starts glaring at me. "I won't, I won't don't worry, now let's do this."
"alright, but why do I have to do this, can't your friends do?"
"they are already busy with keeping all the others distracted so they won't be coming here."
"but doesn't one of the dumbasses have a time stopping quirk?"
"that's another reason why we are here, not only has Zuku changed his behavior in a bad way, but Seba can't use his quirk anymore, and all of our quirks are behaving weird."
" that's why you aren't retracting your wings?"
"yep, now please go create a distraction, hurt one of them or something"
"sure, see you on the other side."

Alright, let's do this,

Let's just hope my quirk doesn't go haywire.




sowwy, but I already have another half of a chapter done so I may update sooner (or not seeing as I had this chapter done since new year's eve, and only now I'm posting)

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