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Izuku POV
After I log out, I go downstairs, to find dad, because apparently he wants to talk to me.
"Hey, why did you wanna talk to me?"
"Wanted to ask you what do you wanna name your quirk, and how the hell do you have OFA."
"Well my quirk, I wanna name it "Demon heart", and how the hell do you know about OFA?"
"I went to school with Yagi, we were friends and he told me."
"So I guess that you know huh?"
"Yep, never taught that you'll be the ninth holder, but I'm proud of you."
"What are you guys talking about?"
"About my quirk, anyway why are you here Seba?"
"The gang is gonna hangout, wanna come?"
"Yea sure just let me change."
"Do you know that it's like 11p.m.?"
"Yea, so?"
"Ughh, just go."
"Thanks! cya"
I went to my room to find some clothes and my board.

""Thanks! cya"I went to my room to find some clothes and my board

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This is what I wore.
Seba, Kai and I went outside and waited for the gang.
After 15 minutes they arrive and we take of in a random direction.
After some time we stop at a gas station to get some snacks, energy drinks and cigarettes.
"Does dad know what you're doing?" I ask Seba and Kai.
"Yea." They both respond.
"And he's cool with it?"
"As long as I don't start smoking till I'm 14 yeah."
"Wow, mom wouldn't even let me go out after sunset."
We just spent like half an hour in a gas station talking and smoking.
"So do you guy's have a gang name or nah?"
"Nah, we still lookin, got any ideas?" Asked me Hex
"Oh wow, it was the first time that you addressed me directly, I can now die happy. God take me now, even though I am atheist."
"So you don't believe in Hex either?"
"Haha, the jokes about my quirk are sooo funny, thanks Lyn, you just reminded me about them."
"Well, if Hex was a religion , I sure as hell would have been like all the old ladies are about Jesus and god."
"*smirks* good to know."
"Why are you giving me that face, if we'll ever be in any relationship, I won't be a cute little bottom."
"Neither will I."
"Ohhh so a relationship with 2 tops interesting, very interesting."
"Careful sis, your desperation is showing."
"At least, my gay is not showing, if you see Nate, Basti(Seba) or Hex without a shirt you have a full on gay panik."
"Well in his defense, have you seen Nate, Seba or Hex without a shirt, I mean, they are fucking hot."
"I didn't need to hear my brother talk about my other brother like this, but go on I guess."
"At least I told our parents my sexuality with style."
"You literally left a not on the fridge saying "well I'm off, I'll call you when I get in Italy, btw I'm gay.", then you stayed all summer in Italy with our grandparents."
"Yeah style, and in my defense, it was fun in Italy, I swam trough Venice, I got banned for life from Venice."
"Oh yea Izuku, what were you saying before this started." Said Kat, thankfully getting us back on track.
"Oh yea, I asked if you guy's have a name."
"Nah we don't, not enough ideas." Said Kai kinda disappointed.
"Well what about Biohazard, I mean the teachers called you that."
"I like it." Said every one except Hex.
"You know what, this is actually cool, so we are keeping it."
After that we took of. We just skated for a few more hours, luckily it was a Friday, cause otherwise, our parents would have been on our tail already.

When we get home, we have to go trough one of dad's lecture, and let me tell you, they are worse than dadzawa's.
"Daaaad, can you cut it with the lecture even dadzawa let us go easier, and we got banned from 5 supermarkets, a mall and a pool."
"Ouch, being compared with Zawa really hurts you know."
(Ok so I wanna just explain something
Hisahi went to UA, he was in the same year as Mic and Aizawa, they were, and still are, friends, this is why he called him Zawa, AM was an upperclassmen, but they were still friends)
"I don't careeeeee, I wana sleeeeep."
"Fine, just go to sleep already."
"Thanks, love yu bye"
"What happened?" Asked a confused Seba.
"He's a monster, that happened. You two go to sleep, we have something to do tomorrow."
"Night dad."

Ok first I don't know if it interests someone, but here are their nationalities and sexualities
Hex- japanese, bi
Seba- romanian, bi
Kai- american, demi
Xan- italian, gay
Alix- italian, lesbian
Nate- american, pan
Kat- american, ace
Izu- japanese, pan
Aghhhh, I finally finished another chapter, this one was only like 700 word, but I felt like this was a good stopping point

This is the first chapter with the schedule, and I almost screwed up already, because I can't do days........ I don't have anything else to say so
Thank you for listening to my ted talk, I was your host The Cookie Monster, and I have to yonk my brother in a jacuzzi

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