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Izuku POV

When we get to school every girl in a 15 feet radius is running towards Kai and Seba.
I already can't see them so I just decided to go to class, but I forgot I don't know where my class is, so I ask some random kid.
When I get to my class the teacher is already inside, he tells me to introduce myself and if anyone has questions to answer them.
"My name is Izuku Midoriya and I don't want to answer any questions, can I sit down?"
"Ummm sure. Go sit down behind Nathan. Raise your-"
"I know who Nathan is."
««««during lunch»»»»
I wanted to go out of the classroom and go to the roof, but before I could bolt out the door Seba grabs my arm and drags me with him.
"What are you doing?? Let me go!!"
"I'm just taking you to the canteen. Calm down."
"Why? I can go to the roof to eat."
"Well you are my brother."
"So, you can go with your friends."
"You are now part of the gang." At this he already let me go.
"Come on Seba." When I say this every one looks at me like I just killed someone, then some random high school bitch grabs me by the arm.
"How dare you to cal him that, nobody calls him Seba!"
"Claws off bitch!"
"What did you just say to me?"
"I said take your filthy claws off of me bitch."
When I say this she freezes for a second, enough time to free my arm and go to find Seba. I find him at a table looking at me, so I go towards him. At the the table is Hex, Nathan, Kat, Alix, Xander, Seba and Kai.
"Woah Kai, don't jump on me!"
"But I missed big bro."
"Seba, why is Kai little?"
"IDK, he was little when I arrived. But please don't tell Hisa that he was little at school."
"Why don't you want dad to know?"
"I was supposed to protect him, so I'll be grounded if he finds out."
"Sorry to interrupt but do you 3 know each other?"asked Alix.
"Yeah! He is my new big bro!!"
"He's right, Zuku is Hisa's biological son, we met yesterday."
"And Seba is such a jerk"
"Don't say it like you aren't."
"How is he a jerk, he is a literal cinnamon roll?" Asked Kat and everyone agreed.
"You don't know what he did yesterday night."
"It was just unexpected, ok?"
"What happened?" We were all surprised that it was Hex the one that asked
"Well he asked who's name we kept, Hisa's or dad's and when he found out that we kept Midoriya, he, no joke, said to his dad: "oh so you're a top? Kinda unexpected not gonna lie" then Hisa started chasing him and I laughed, when he heard me laugh he ran into a wall and Hisa caught him and this little fu-fricker started screaming "He's raping me help!" And it was so funny."
"But that doesn't mean I am a jerk*pouts*"
"Wow look you made Xan and Hex laugh!" Exclaimed Nathan.
"S-shut up!" Said Hex and Xan in sync.
"Let's just get over this I already got my punishment when I ran into that wall, so I want to find things about you."
We spent the rest of the lunch talking about every random thing, and somehow I have a lot of things in common with Hex. Sometime during lunch Kai got back to his normal age, but he choose to sit in my lap and drag me so I am next to Seba, when this happened, everyone looked at me like I killed someone, again.
"Let's go, we have heroics, and Zuku trust me, you don't wanna be late."
"Leave him alone Lyn."
"Aghhhhh! Your a party crasher, Nate."
"Yea yea, let's just go."
"What are we doing in this class?"
"Well, probably, he'll test your quirk to see of you get in top 10." Said Xan
"Are you in that top?"
"Yep, Hex is 1, Seba 2, I'm 4 and my bro is 3, Kat is 5, and Nate is 6 and technically Kai is 7 but they don't let him, because he is too young."
We get to the locker room so we can change in the gym uniform, which is just a plain black skin tight t-shirt, and some black shorts.
When I took off my shirt everyone gasped. I was confused, but I see Seba pointing to his arm and then I remember my fight with muscular. I got annoyed that everyone was staring at me.
"Why the hell are you looking at me dumb fucks? Never seen some scars?"
"But for real Zuku, where did you get those?"
"You watch the hero news in Japan?"
"So you know about the LOV, and the attack at the training camp for first years at UA?"
"Well I went to UA before, and I was at that camp, when they attacked I went to save a child so I had to fight Muscular, he was very powerful and I went over my limit, and now I can't break this arm anymore."
We get to the gym and the teacher makes me take a quirk test.
"Ok, let's see your quirk and if you can place in top 10."
"I wanna see if I can get first place."
"Yea right, nobody has a quirk as powerful as Hex's, at max you can get second." Said the teacher with a smug face.
"Wanna bet?"
"Sure, if I win, you, have to be my errand boy and clean the lockers every day."
"Fine and if I win, me and the gang can do whatever we want at every class until we graduate, and Kai can has to be recognised as a top 10 elite."
"You're on little guy!"
«««««after the tests»»»»»
"Let's see what you did.*checks results* n-no way..........he actually got first place, he got with 1 point more than Hex."
"Yehe, I won! Now let's not forget our bet."
"Yea yeah I know I'll notify the rest of the teachers."
"Wow Zuku, that was sick, how did you know that you were gonna win?"
"Oh I didn't, I jus-aghhhh!"
"Omg are you ok?"
"You're eyes are changing and it seems like you have horns fangs, claws, a tail and massive wings, I had the same thing happen to me when my quirk came, so let's get him to the nurse office." Said Hex surprisingly calm.

So I'm done with another chapter, this is the last one that will have 1000+ words, the others will have 600-900, I think that I'll change when I update, but not now because I still have 1 chapter written and I'm currently writing another one, and I think that I'll start a new story, so when that happens I'll see how the schedule will change.
I posted this a few hours earlier because I have to do some shit for school because I'm going on my first year to high school, so I have to change schools and all that, anyways, if I don't post anything it's probably because of school, or I annoyed my parents till they grounded me.
Thanks for listening to my ted talk
I was your host the cookie monster and I wanna eat your knee caps.

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