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Izuku POV

" hey, dad, hey David"
"hey kiddo, who's him? I don't think he is part of your group." David asks eyeing Katsu, I can tell that he is scared.
"Katsuki?, haven't seen you in a while, you aren't the same angered kid as before, are you? "
"not really, I think that I can control myself better now"
"English, Katsu"
" sorry, uhm I mean sorry, I still have to get used to this."
"soo, now someone is gonna tell me who he is, cause I have patrol in like 20 minutes"
"yeah, yeah, calm your tits, he is Katsuki Bakugou, my former classmate, and childhood friend."
"OK, and why is he here."
" you know you can drop the act, he is already scared enough, and 1-A came to LA for a field trip, I guess, I was sleeping when the teacher explained."
" 'Zawa is that class's homeroom teacher, right?"
"yeah, why?"
"tomorrow when you go back to the hotel, or wherever you stay I'll give you a ride, I wanna talk with him."

Me and Katsuki went to my room, we talked, played video games, and, surprisingly, he sang with me.

A few hours later we change in some pj's. I decided to tease him a little and started flirting with him, he actually reacted, and flirted back.
"hey, I have a question."
"are you and Hex together."
When I heard this I was thinking whether to tell him the truth or no, but I decided to play with him a little.
"yea, why?"
"*sad pomaranian face* just wondering." when he said this I saw a little jealousy in his eyes
I still flirted with him and teased him, but this time he didn't respond. I decided to call it a night and go to sleep.

PomPom Boy POV

It was fun spending time with Deku, and I'm like 90% sure that sensei will take my head tomorrow, but, oh well.

So as I was saying everything was fine, until I asked him if he and angel rip off were together, and shocker, they are.
I should just go o sleep before I start moping around.

~~6 HOURS LATER~~( I bet that you read this in that voice from SpongeBob)
Izuku POV

I wake up, sadly, and see a sleeping beauty snoring peacefully next to me, eww get this sweet shit outta here.

Anyways I have to wake him up, soo I decided to sing him a serenade, let's do it.
"ahem ~ two lovers forbidden from one another~
~a war divides their people~
~and a mountain divides them apart~
~built a path to be together~
... Yeah, and I forgot the next couple of lines, but then it goes...
" I dRaNk CaCtUs JuIcE. "(pls get the reference)
" what the in the fucking hell."

We got dressed and went to eat breakfast, and talk with dad.
" so what are you doing today? "
" well me and Hex wanted to skip, just the 2 of us. "
" and sensei said that we have the morning free, then go to their school for hero training. "
" OK then, I'll call in for Izu at school, then get you to Zawa, and then Izu can go with Hex."
" fine by me, let's go. "

We get to the hotel, by the magic power of Satan( aka me).
The drive was pretty boring, I annoyed the hell outta them, buuuut dad decided that it would be funnier if he throws me out of the car, through the window, so he did it, and I flew the rest of the way.

"come on what took you so long? I was the one thrown out the car, not you."
"I don't have enough energy to argue with you."

We, then, go inside and find Aizawa.


Okkkkk, finally done, this took like a week and a half to write, so Friday, I may not post a chapter, or I'll post it Saturday or Sunday.

This all, I think, anyways see yaaaa

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