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First I need names for the gang, because I kept referring to them as a gang and I may accidentally make them part of a mafia, and I have a few ideas for them and a name would be best.
If you have any ideas please leave them here.

Second. I'm thinking about making the chapters a little shorter, because as of right now every chapter has 1200 words and it takes me like a week to write a chapter, so I want to make them like 600-900 max 1000 but not more and I want your opinion on this. If I leave the chapters how they are now the story will finish faster, if I cut them there will be more chapters and less words/chapter.
Soo tell me what you would prefer.

Third. I don't know if anyone noticed, but I put a chapter every 2-3 days, at night approximately 11p.m. EEST(East Europe), but I don't know if I will keep this schedule, it all depends on how many chapters I have ready and if I remember that I have a story.

Fourth. I am really happy because people actually read this shit of a book. Right now( when I write this), there are 54 view, which is with 54 more than I expected, and I wanna thank every single one of you who reads this garbage, it actually gives me motivation to write faster.

Fifth. Sorry if my english sucks, it's my second language. I think I do ok at grammar, but I suck at using the correct verb tense, so if it's wrong then I'm sorry.

And I think that's all, soooo I'll see you guys next chapter which is going to introduce the characters from USA, how they look and what's their names.

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