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Izuku POV

I wake up in the morning , well more like afternoon, and go find something to eat, when I see the whole gang in the kitchen, talking and eating.
"*yawn* 'mornin."
"Uhmmm Zuku, you know that it's like 3p.m. right?"
After that I grabbed something to eat then went to my room.
"Zuku, where are you going?"
"Wanna sing."
"You can sing?" Asked Alix
"Ye, well now I'll go, I'll come down later."
I go to my room and wanted to close the door, but I see someone behind me.
"Hey can I listen to you singing." It was fucking Hex.
"Sure, if you want."
"*smiles* thanks Zuki."
"Zuki? And you should smile more often."
"Yep Zuki and maybe."
"Wanna choose a song."
"Surprise me."
I stayed there and tried to choose a song, I finally settled for Thief from Ansel Elgort

"Wow, you are fucking awesome, you can sing so good."
"Not really, but thanks, wanna do a duet?"
"I'll probably ruin the song."
"Ugh fine, choose something."
I choose "Famous last words" from MCR

"Woho finished."
"And you said you can't sing, you were better than me."
"That's not true."
We sang a few more duets, and I sang some acoustic guitar songs.
We were singing a love song, when the rest off the gang burst trough the door making me jump, somehow landing in Hex's lap.
"Ughh what do you want, I finally got Hex to realize he has a god ass voice."
"Wait you actually got him to sing?" Asked like everyone.
"Uhh ye?"
"It was pretty easy."
"Ughh why did you come here??"
"Oh yea, dad and Hisa want to have sex, so we gotta book it."
"Huh??, you know what I'm not gonna ask, where's Kai."
"With gramps, he is little, so we can't take him with us."
"Let's just go before they start I don't wanna hear them."
We went out and took a walk because only me, Hex, Seba and Lyn have our boards.
"Hey guy's come here I wanna post somthin on insta." Said Alix a little to excited.
"What do you want Lix?"
"Just come here."
"Ughh, fine"

@MoonTwinFound a new member and we finally have a nameWe are

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Found a new member and we finally have a name
We are ...................BIOHAZARD.

IStanKaren: Heil
Sk8ter_Seba: Bow down to my brother peasent
Cutewolfie_: Adore him you bastards, he's the best brother
Sk8ter_Seba: you just met him 2 days ago and he's already your favorite
Sponsoredby_KitKat: I know for sure that he's @Hexagonallife's favorite.

"What is Lyn talking about?"
"Idk, probs about the fact that you jumped on my lap."
We decided to go to some abandoned water park, after we go to the twins and Nate's houses, so they can get their boards.
When we get there, we have to break some rules.
"Woohooo, this is fucking awesome!!"
"Fuck, guy's the pewpew-er is here."
"SCATTER, MEET ME AT 12, zuki come with me."
I go with Hex, and let me tell you this it was awesome, we were at the top of the highest slide and we skated down it, while using a little off our quirks so we can escape, Seba was lucky because he just stopped time just enough so he can escape, the twins moved through shadows respectively light, Nate transformed, Lyn just skated, with some help from Nymph and Saga, and Hex and I just flew.
We flew for a little while so the cop lost our trail, when Hex's changes the course going to, what I assumed was 12. It was actually a really nice build, with something like a villain hideout.
We, somehow got there last, but that didn't matter. We decided to end it there and go home, cause we didn't want more police on our backs
We go home and I was relieved that it was quiet, I go to my room and SLEEP.

The next monday we go to school and something unexpected, but totally expected happened........

Finished with this one
Ok soo his is the laat chapter that I had written ahead of time, I mean I am now writing the next chapter, I wrote like half of it, so if I don't update it'll be because I couldn't finish it.
The next chapter will be or the last one before the time skip, or the one with the time skip.
Soo I wanna remind you guys that this is and will be a dekubaku (bakubottom), buut there will be some Deku x Hex, but not much, I think, I don't know.
Anyways I think that this is all,
Thank you for listening to my ted talk, I was your host the Cookie Monster and I have to go chip a monk
Seeeee yaaaaaa~~~~~

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