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Gordon Ramsay Jr POV

"well, you see........... It's not your business."
"awee, come on. Tell us." she continued to beg
"nope not happening."
"HA THEN I'M RIGHT."  He was the one where I would go and rant about everything regarding my life, including, my little, uhmm, I mean nonexistent crush on Deku, and he is the only one that knows and I want to keep it that way.

Deku POV

"so how was with that dandelion kid?" asked hex.
"yea, yea, him."
"well, it was kinda fun, and I kinda told him we were dating so I could see how he reacted, and good news, he looked hurt and jealous, oh and btw I'll borrow that nickname." I sart to ramble
"*sigh*of course you told him we are a couple."
"would you have prefered me telling him that we are fuck buddies."
"that isn't much better, so I guess I can live with the fact that the all mighty Deku is my fake boyfriend."
"oh, haha, so funny, note the sarcasm."
"wanna see a movie, I don't have enough energy to deal with the crackheads that are our friends."
"sure, you can choose."

>>>>>Time skip in the morning<<<<<

I wake up to the beautiful light coming from the sun, and after is curse at him for 15 minutes I decide to go back to cuddling with Hex, unfortunately, Kai, decided to come in my room and wake me up.

"UGHH Kai, what have I told you about knocking, we could have been fucking."
"yea, I know, and it wouldn't be the first time I saw."

Yep I start to hate Kai's 'new phase' or whatever.
I know that you are wondering how he saw us fucking, well let me explain. We were at a party, surprise, surprise, dad didn't know so don't tell him. So we were playing something, t or d I think, and I was dared to fuck someone while the others were watching, so I did, and yea it was Hex, and Kai was there.

Anyways I have to get up, or kick Kai out, or kidnap him and bring him to sleep, the second one seems like the best, buuut dad said that I can't kick him out anymore so I grab him and throw him in bed so I can sleep.

"Ughh, why in the name of Grinch did you throw him one me?" Hex asked while trying to glare at me, but it didn't really work.
"shut up and go to sleep both of you, I'm tired."

A few hours later, David decided to get us up.

"SHUT UP KAREN." shouts a very pissed off Hex
"BWAHAHSHA, good one Hex."
"Well then, I wanted to wake you up, not to be insulted like this."
"life is shitty, you're not special."
Yep Hex is 100% not a morning person, even though it's afternoon, doesn't matter, just don't mess with him.
"anyways, I need your help for a case."
"just us, or the rest of Biohazard."
"All of you, yes that includes you too Kai."
"awesome, let's go."

We go get our suits, then meet with the others.

This is my suit (whit some black shoes)

This is my suit (whit some black shoes)

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