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Still Izuku POV
After a while of wandering aimlessly on the streets I decided to ask some one if there is a skate park nearby. I saw a group of 5 teenagers 2 girls and 3 boys and they all had a skateboard so I go over to them.
"Hey does any of you know if there is a skate park nearby?"
"Yeah we are actually just going there you can come with us" said one of the girls. I wanted to go with them, but there was a boy who was FUCKING GLARING at me, and he scared the shit out of me.
"I would but your friend doesn't really look like he wants me here, so I'll just go."
"Wait."said the boy that was glaring at me earlier" I like you, so you can come with us, but first tell us your name , I'm Hex by the way."
"Kaitlyn, but just call me Kat or Lyn."
"'Sup I'm Nathan, call me Nate."
"Hello I'm Alix and the blond guy that looks like me is Alexander, but just call him Xander, we are twins."
"Umm I'm Izuku."
"Oh so you are japanese just like Hex."said Kat
"Yea I guess."
We started going to the skate park after that. We stayed there a few hours until I got bored and asked them if they wanted to skate with me trough the area, so I know how to go home and how to find the skate park.

Sebastian POV
(While Izuku was with the gang)

After that brat left I went to his room to check on Kai. He was shaking slightly while listening to music.
"Hey bud, you ok?" He flinched when he heard my voice.
"Why are you shaking do you not know where you are?"
"I know that I'm in Izuku's room I wasn't little when I came here, although I wish I was...... never mind that, where is Izuku I have to thank him."
"I don't know he just went out." In that moment I felt my phone buzz, it was on the Gang's group chat. It was a video.
"Kai, Nate just sent a video to the group chat, wanna see it?"
"Sure." I open the video and it seems like it's a video full of tricks and fails, but we see that there is a new kid which we don't know. We get trough like half of the video when we hear the front door open, then Izuku's door. Izuku walks in and then goes straight to Kai asking him if he was ok.
"Hey, can we talk?"I ask him.
"I'd rather not but go on."
"I just wanted to apologize, I don't know why I was acting the way I did."
"It's ok, *mumbels I am used to this*."
"What was that?"
"Nothing. But just so you know what I said is true I'll ask dad if I can live alone. "
"Then I'm coming with you!"
We both look towards Kai when he said this.
"No you can't."
"And neither can you Izu."


"You are my son, and even though your mom won custody I still wanted to see you, but she wouldn't let me."
"My mother told me that I got my stubbornness from you, so I guess I'll stay."
"Good. Now tell me where were you, and how did you get home, because it's the first time you're in LA."
"I met a few kids with skateboards and I asked them directions to the skate park but they said that I can stay with them, and they helped me get home."
"Wait!!!! Seba are you thinking what I'm thinking?"Shouted Kai making me flinch.
"Probably. How many kids were there and what are their names."
"5, Hex, Nathan, Kat, Alix and Xander."
"Aren't these the kids you always go out with?" Asked my father.
"Yeah!!! So now Zuzu is a part of the gang!!"
"Oh no you aren't, I don't think that Hex let you that easy."
"Seba, look at this."
"Oh so you really are part of the gang. Congratulations!"
"Ok now that we got that out of the way wanna go see papa? He just got home."
"Dad, we have to talk!"
"Haha. They really have clashing personalities."
"Yep, you coming Izu?"
"I can??"
"Yep now let's go."
We go to the living room where I see Kai just jumping with excitement, and Sebastian who's just sitting there.
"Hey little man, my name is David Park, so you are Izuku right?"
"No need to be shy Izu."
"Ok dad. Ummm..... I have a question."
"Say it little man."
"Who's name did you keep?"
"What? I'm curious."
"It's ok Sashi, we kept his."
"Ohh so he's a top. Kinda unexpected not gonna lie."
"*smacks him* what's that supposed to mean??"
"*dodges and bolted out of there* it means what I said!"
"Come here you little demon!"
"You're never gonna catch me!"
"Hahahahah." When I hear this I almost ran into a wall, it was Sebastian laughing I never even saw him smile.
"Ha!I made you laugh."
"*blushes and turns away* no you didn't."
"*runs into a wall* OUCH!!!"
"Gotcha little demon!"
After the fight I had with dad we got back to the others.
"So Izuku, how old are you and what are your hobbies?"
"Well I'm 15 and I like skateboarding, everything regarding music and dance and I like football, but in Japan I couldn't do anything especially after they installed the dorms."
"Wait you were at UA?"
"So that means that Zuzu will go to our school."
"If it's ok with you Sebastian?"
"Yeah sure he can go, but I have a question now."
"What happened to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Look at your knees, elbows and chin."
"Ohhhh, I tried to do a trick on the biggest ramp and out of nowhere comes a kid that just stays there so I fell trying not to hurt him."
"Ok come on I'll help you with those."
"You don't have to, I always break my bones if I overuse my quirk and that happens often."
"That's........ doesn't matter come on."
We leave the room and go to his room so he can wrap my injuries easier. After he finished we started talking, and he is actually a really cool guy he just reacts like this when he meets someone new. Right now we are playing some video games.
"Why are you calling me Sebastian?"
"Well I didn't think that you'll like if I call you Seba."
"Nah it's ok, I really like it."
"Ok, then you can call me Zuzu, Zuku, Izu or whatever you want."
"Fine zuku."
After that we just watched some movies until midnight.
"I think I'll go to my room to sleep. 'night."
" 'night zuku."
I go to my room and try to sleep, but I hear someone knock on my door, I open it to reveal Kai, who looked like he just had a nightmare.
"Hey what happened?"
"I-i.*sob* had a n-nightmare."
"Oh ok come here. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep but after that I'll go tell dad what happened ok?"
«««Time Skip To Morning»»»

I wake up because Kai is jumping on my bed saying something about school. I push him out of my room so I can change.

 I push him out of my room so I can change

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This is what I choose. After I finish I go to the dining room there is Kai, Seba and David.
"Where's dad?"
"He just got a call so he had to go."said Seba.
"Izuku you're going with them to school."
"Fine, bye David."
When we get to school something unexpected happens......

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