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Soooo, something happened and I got some new ideas and wanted to ask you guy's what do you want me to do with the end off this story.

Let me make something clear, this story is NOT ending, at least not for a few chapters.

So as you know, or not, I can't remember if I said this or not and I don't wanna check, anyways, there will be a 2 year time skip in chapter 9, so 2 chapters away. At first I had the idea to end the story a little after they become pro heros, so I have enough time to bring Izu and Baku together, I could have just put the time skip on one of the first chapters, but I thought that it was a good idea to see more of Deku's life in US.

OK the point is that I now have ideas that require them as being pro heros, meaning that after DekuBaku happens, there will be a new time skip, to when they are adults, like 26-30 and there will be some angst like one of them cheating, a break up, some villains and other things.

OK now here is where you come. I don't know if I should end this story when I first planned, meaning after they get together

Orrr if I should continue making this with them adults

Orr something that just now came to my mind, I could make a sequel for this, that way I won't get bored of this story, and I can end the story where I first wanted, but still continue it.

I'm just saying, if you choose sequel, you may have to wait for a while before I actually start posting.

Soo choose

End after DekuBaku

Continue with them adults



OK now that that's out off the way, I-I just can't, how the hell does this tory have so many views

OK now that that's out off the way, I-I just can't, how the hell does this tory have so many views

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5.91K people actually read this can't belive it
At first I was just bored, and I couldn't find a story like this that I really liked so I just started typing it wasn't even supposed to be posted.
I just can't

If you have any questions about the story I will answer them, or if you have questions about me, we'll I'll answer if they aren't too personal.

That's all, see you in, idk how many days are until Friday, so just see you then, byeeee

Oh yea I just remembered something so watpad kinda gave up on me, I already tried posting this part 3 times, and still doesn't work, so if the friday chapter gets delayed I'm very sorry.

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