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Third person POV----

After Bakugou is rescued from the villians and the students are moved in the dorms. Midoriya gets a phone call that changed his life forever

Izuku POV

A few days after we moved to the dorms I get a call
{Phone call}(I-Izuku W-woman)
W:Hello is this Izuku Midoriya?
I:Yeah, who's this?
W:I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but your mother was hurt during a villain attack and-
After I hear this I start panicking I am scared of the worst.
I:She's ok. Right?
W:I'm very sorry, but she didn't survive.
At this point my heart sank. I don't know what to do. But I know that she wouldn't want me to mope around.
I:Oh...... ok, thank you for telling me.
W:Do you want to organize a funeral?
I:No. You can donate her body if possible.
W:Uhm...... sure, if this is what you want.
I:Thank you. Anything else?
W:No. I'm sorry for your loss. Goodbye
{Phone call ended}
I end the call I just sit there not knowing what will happen to me. 'I know that I can't stay in the dorms forever and I can't keep this a secret especially from my teachers. I just sit in my room not crying, not moving, not doing anything.
A few hours later I decide to try and reach my father to see if I can move in with him because it hurts me to much to stay in a place that reminds me of her. After a few minutes of trying to find his number and convincing myself to actually call him, I finally press the call button.
{Phone Call}(I-Izuku, D-Dad)
I:Hello. Is this Hisashi Midoriya?
D:Yes. And who are you?
I:My name is.....Izuku.........Midoriya.
I:Hey dad
D:How come you called me? You never call me.
I:Well I was wondering if I can move in with you.
D:I-i.....I don't mind really..... I would actually like to spend time with you......but what about your mother? I mean she won custody over you when we divorced.(Inko and Hisashi got a divorce when Izuku was 5 and Inko won custody over him)
I:This is actually another reason to why I called you.......*sigh*..... she got hurt in a villain attack and.......... she didn't survive. I hope you don't mind but I decided I don't want a funeral so I donated her body.
D:Ohhh......wow.......this is a lot to take in.......I don't mind what you decided.......and you can come live with me whenever you want.
I:Thanks Dad!!
D:Just tell me when you are coming and I'll come get you from the airport.
I:I have just a question-
D:I live in LA
D:Hey Izu isn't like 3 in the morning in Japan?
I:Ok......sheesh...Night dad. love yea.
D:Love yea too Izu.
{Phone Call Ended}
««««Time skip to morning»»»»
*slaps alarm clock, and falls off the bed*
I stay on the floor for a few more minutes before I get up and look at the time.
".......Are you fucking kidding me !!!!!"
I get dressed snatched my bag and bolted out of the dorms and through the school.
When I get to my class I tell Mr Aizawa that I have an announcement
"Shut up! Midoriya has an announcement."
"I want just to tell you guys that I'm moving to U.S to live with my father, because I think that Japan is not good for me anymore."
When I stop talking I'm bombarded with questions.
"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep, I'm sure that Midoriya will answer your questions."
I expected to be bombarded with questions again but this time everyone that wanted to ask me something raised their hand.
"Ok. guess I have to answer questions now, *sigh*, I'm gonna go as we are seated." I just hope nobody asks about my mother.
"First Mina"(Aoyama doesn't have a question)
"When are you leaving?"
"After school, I already talked with my dad about this."
I observe a few people put down their hands and I'm actually happy meaning there are littler chances for someone to ask about my mother 'I'm almost sure Kacchan will ask me about mom'.
"Ok next, Ura."
"How long are you staying?"
"I don't know, I think I will stay for a few years at least."
I just continue to answer questions when todoroki asks if he can give me something to remind me about them. I said sure and this is how I have a hoodie half red half white, a blue Ingenium T-shirt, a shark and pikachu onsies a Spiderman hoodie and alien jacket.
I answered everyone's questions except for Kacchan.
"S-so just Kacchan is left"
"Can I talk to you in my dorm nerd?"
"I-i-is this ok Aizawa-sensei?"
Me an Kacchan are walking to the dorms in an akward silence so I decided to ask him somthing.
"C-can we go first by my d-dorm so I can c-change and get my b-bags?"
"Sure shitty Deku."
"Thanks Kacchan!"
We get to his dorm, we go inside and he ask me what I dreaded the whole time.
"Why are you really moving to America?"
"W-what a-are you t-talking about?"
"I know that you aren't moving to U.S. just because "Japan doesn't feels good anymore", so why?"
"You know that you can tell me, even though I don't show it we are friends"
"*sigh*, yesterday I got a call"
I don't know why I am telling him he hates me, he probably is just saying that we are friends so that I tell him. And that isn't even the worst part, the worst part is that after everything that he did to me I FUCKING LOVE HIM!!!! ugh!
"So now you know."
"Fuck, I'm so sorry Deku."
"It's ok.*smile*that's why I'm going to America."
"Oh right"
I watch as Kacchan walks over to his closet and begins searching for something, then he pulls out his favorite T-shirt, aka the black one whit a skull.
"What are you doing?"
"Well since everyone of, ugh god how I hate that name, "bakusquad" gave you something I decided that I should to.......so here."
"Wait are you actually going to give me your favorite T-shirt?"
"Yeah, I can't think of anything else, sorry if it smells like me, as you said this is my favourite shirt."
We talked for a while and he asked me about All Might, I told him that he said that I can keep OFA.
"Oops, sorry Kacchan I have to go."
"Yeah, see yea nerd"
I was going to walk out of the door when I feel 2 strong arms wraped around me.
"What are you doing?"
"Hugging you, we, maybe won't see each other again."
"Well I gotta go!"
"Ugh fineeee.Bye nerd!"
"Bye Kacchan!"
After that I go get my bag and dash to the airport. Get in the plane and take off 'New life here I come!'

This is my first story so if it sucks.............DEAL WITH IT IT. Also english is 100% not my first language so again if it sucks DEAL WITH IT!!!, but if you see mistakes please point them out in a NON HATE comment.

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