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Please read the A/N at the end

Few hours earlier
Alix POV

"Come on, go already"
If you're wondering what happened let me explain: i found where the boys are kept, good thing right?, well it would be, if this stupid guard would just go somewhere else. Ughhhh.
You know what, I can't wait anymore, so let's fuck some things up, after all this is our speciality.

** a few battle scenes later**(if you expected a battle then I feel bad for you)

Pheeeww done, now i gotta go in carefully and quietly.

" this is probably the first and last time I'll say this, I'm so happy to see you sis" said Xan
" umm we have a problem-" said Seba
" yeah yeah let just get you out of here we'll talk outside.     Wait where's Zuki?" said Lix
" umm this is the problem, we don't know" Said Kai
" what happened? "
"Color man came here to get to torture one of us, and he choose him as not to kill anyone yet" said Hex
" do you know where he is?"
" no, but if you get this cuffs off of me I can find him." said Kai trying to take off his hand cuffs.
" let's go to our hideout there are the others, and maybe the adults can take those things off"

Fast forward to them getting there

" hey, I've got good news, look who I've found, I've got bad news too, but let's not focus on that."
" Ok, firstly, are any of you hurt badly?" asked David
"I'm very exhausted, I think I may pass out if I use even a little of my quirk and Hex is kind of injured"
"shut up Seba, I'm ok, it's nothing"
" You sure?" asked Hisashi
"yes now just take those things of and let's go find Zuku"


I think you're wondering why did I react that way, or maybe not, who knows, but the ideea is that I may or may NOT have a teeny tiny crush on Zuku, who am I kidding it's a little more than a crush, and I know that he likes the dandelion kid, but I just can't get over it, I'm fucking in love with him, it's not easy to just get over it, but I know he doesn't like me, it's clear, but it still fucking hurts. Never mind, I'll get over it,..... eventually.

"now let's go after him" I said, what I still want to keep my friend alive
"slow down your horses, your not going alone" said Seba
"then come with"
" umm we still need a plan" said Kai
" fine let's make a plan. First we need Kai to help us locate him, and I'm guessing Seba can't come"
" yep, but that doesn't matter, you'll be ok without me"
" Ok, then we can get Lix with us, seeing as she actually knows how to navigate through there, and, Xan if you think you are able to come with us you can"
" yea sorry, but I can't go back there, I'll go patrol with the others"
" no problem, let's go, we'll make a more detailed plan on the way"

On the way to get back to the villain 'lair' we meet with some UA kids, more specifically the shark/rock kid, and our all time favorite pomeranian

" hey, heard you're going to save Izu, mind if we come with?" asked Bakugou
"nah, not really, but one of you has to keep Lychantrope, aka wolfy over here safe after he locates him" said Hex
" sure bro, I can do that" ( I'm guessing you know who said this)

After a few minutes we get to the room where Izuku is kept, we open the room to find it empty, except for him laying on a chair.
"Zuku, are you OK, can you hear me?"
"yea, hold on just a little I almost got you out.     A little help guys"

Fast for word to them at the hospital
Still Hex POV

So let's make a little recap, we, found Izuku, which is a yey, but he is unconscious, which is a ney, so now we are in a hospital room waiting for him to wake, and I'm guessing Luci hadn't eaten in a while, so I might just do that, I still can't belive that I'm still doing this, knowing it just hurts me more, but as long as he is ok, I don't mind.

"ummm, Hex, you here?"
"yea, I'm still here?"
"Ughh, where exactly is this here?"
"ohh, umm do you think that you can, actually never-"
" yes you can eat, come here"
" you are the best"
" I know"

We start kissing and I cam feel his fangs expand, even though I have been doing this for 2 years it's still really weird, but I don't mind it's actually a unique experience kissing someone with fangs, so I like it.

While Zuku was eating I hear the door slightly open, and when we stopped we see there........... (cliffhanger)

(or not cause I don't know when the next chapter will be and I don't want to keep y'all waiting)
Biohazard, yep our whole group plus the so called Baku squad from UA. And the next thing I know I pass out, seems like my injuries were a lot worse than I thought.

Guess who was actually productive over the weekend,hint, it me, I finally kinda got back to my school time schedule, and it's actually a little bit easier(it won't be like this for long as exam season is aproching)

As you can see something big happend in this chapter, we finally know that Hex loves Izu, and I have a question regarding this, because I can easily go in any direction from where I am right now. So:

What ship should I use?




Just choose which one

And I have a few more qustions:

Do you want me to write actual battle scenes?

What do you think happened to Biohazard while they were kept there( which was for 3 weeks)

And if you have any suggestions just leave them here.

I'm actually kinda proud of this chapter(is the longest one in a while), even though I did this in, mostly my english, french and biology clases( i get bored in those ones) , I still think it turned out ok, an I'm starting to like this story more and more as it advances, hope you like it too.

Seeee yaaa sometime


For whoever is wondering I decided that I will continue this as dekubakuhex, with Bakubottom, and this is final.

If people really want only dekubaku or dekuhex, I may make another versions of this story with those ships, but I'm not sure.

And yes, I started working on another chapter, because I found that it helps with distracting me from my problems so yey, plus it's a good distraction in online classes( I get bored easily).

So I already said this, I think, but I feel kinda bad for keeping you waiting sometimes even a month for a mediocre chapter when there are people who can do this much better than me, soo if anyone wants to use this story you can, just leave o comment so I can check it out.

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