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Izuku POV

The door opens and we see....... Mr Negative.
What did you really think that it would have been someone else, come on, this is real life, not one of those fan fictions.
Ok ok, I know, no breaking the fourth wall, but for real.

" awwee, you came back! I thought you forgot about us." I said, well more like both me and Luci said
"it's not the time for jokes man." Said party pooper, aka Seba.
"everytime is  time for jokes."
"Enough nonesense, I came here for answers and you will give them."
"yeah... no, sorry to burst your bubble color man, but I don't think that is happening. " Said a very annoyed Hex.
"it's not like you have a choice, if you won't cooperate willingly, I will have to use force."
"what can you actually do, oh mighty God?" yep Hex is going to town with him, I mean he woke him up, what did he expect.
"well then, I guess that force it is. Who should I bring first with me, should it be, the little wolf in the back, or the angel in the front, tough decision really.      Oh I know let's go with the one who can take the most pain, come on demon boy, I  don't want to kill anyone...........yet."

Yep, he choosed me, it's not like I mind, I mean I can find a way to escape or some shit.

We get in some room with a metal chair in the middle, and torturing weapons on tables on the side.

" sit"
"I'm not a dog who obeys commands"
"you're right, dogs are smarter, now sit"

I sit down and he straps me in, then goes to a table, which has a few weapons and syringes with some glowing green liquid, and some with black liquid.

"lets get started, shall we"

He gets to one of the tables and brings a knife.
" want to first answer my questions?"
"I'm guessing no."

He slowly and painfully inserts the knife in my torso, and starts to dreg it around, creating some sort of number, or something.

"you better count, or I'll do more" as he said this I was confused as to what was I supposed to count. But then, he brings the knife at the base off my neck and starts making slow and painful cuts all along my upper body, and because I couldn't really disobey, I counted. This psycho did 67 cuts on one side of my body, before going on the other side.

After awhile of this, with some stops so I can heal at least partially, he finally stops, at least that's what I think, he goes to the table again, but this time he brings something else, and again I'm a guinea pig.

<<<<<Few Hours Later>>>>>

" you ready to talk now? "
"n-*cough * ever"
"suit yourself then, I can do this all day."

He goes to a table and picks up one of the syringes, just when he went to approach me, a phone buzzes.

"huh, seems like you get a break, lucky you."

He then goes out of the room and I start searching for escapes.

"kid you need to do something"
'I know, I'm trying'
"then try harder"
'you don't hear me bitching about you healing me slow, so why do you bitch about this?'
"I give up, I'm going to sleep"

A few minutes later Color man bursts in the room.

"seems like our fun has to be cut short, but don't worry, this won't be the last time you see me" as he says this, he exits the room.

' he fucking left me here'

'Hey Luci do you think you can heal me it's starting to hurt more'
"I'm trying but you need to eat"
'does it seem like I can?'

After this thought everything starts to get more blurry, and the last thing I heard was somebody opening the door.


Hey hey, I'm not dead, yet, but I think I will be in a few days, when the results for my Chem test come. But until then I have finished another chapter, I feel like this one is not very good, but still.

I'm starting to treat this as more of a crackfic, than anything else, seeing as how I can't write/say anything without being sarcastic, but I kinda like it better if it's, you know, funnier so I won't change anything about it.

Again, I don't know when I'll post again, this is the only part I have ready. Maybe I will have enough time to write this week seeing as I have online school, but I'll see.

Thank you for listening to my td talk, I was your host the cookie monster, and I have to go down an Iager

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