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Bakugou POV

"~missed ya, ~kacchan~" 
When I heard this, I thought that I was going insane, 'he can't be the same Izuku as deku, it's just not possible, he was a whiny little kid, he wasn't as confident as this guy, was, but he said Kacchan, he was the only one who called me that.' I was brought back to reality by shitty hair.
" Bakubro, hey Bakubro"
"we have to go."
" tch."
"hey, Bakugou, what did that boy say to you?"
"what are you talking about pinky?"
"he went towards you and said something in your ear, then you spaced out."
"nothing that interests you, tell sensei I'm going to my room."
I get to my room and decided to text the nerd, we texted a few months back, but nothing to much, so I know that he didn't change his number.

Hey, you were the guy that came to me weren't you 
      Wow, how did you know, kacchan

You are the only one who calls me Kacchan, and you said nice to see you guys in japanese

         True, but I'm not the only one who knows japanese, Hex is japanese too.
            Oh and can you type in english, my friends want to know what we are talking about, but don't know japanese.

Sure, and Hex?
                             Angel wings
                                   Do you wanna come hang out with us, I can give you my extra board.

Sure, but I don't think I know where you live.
                                     Just go to the Pier, that is where we are right now.

Izuku POV
Before the texting part

"hey zuku, what did you say to that blond, and who was he."
"he was from my class in Japan, actually he was and is my crush and I just said" ~~missed yaaa~~~" nothing much."
"oh ya I forgot you and Hex aren't actually together."
We just hang around the beach and stuff, when Lix tells me that I got a notification.  I see that is Kacchan and I really wanted to talk to him.
A while after I started texting him, Lix asked to see.
" I wanna see, it's not fair Hex can see."
"well for one I didn't let him, it just happens that I sit in his lap, and two, he knows Japanese, you don't."
"just ask him to write in English." Hex said convincing me
"fineee, now gimme a kiss."
I show them the texts and they agreed to meet with him.

15 mins later I see an ash blonde with crimson eyes coming towards us, well I didn't see him, I was to busy making out with Hex, what can I say, I am horny.
"oh hey Katsuki."
"ahem most of us don't know Japanese"
"can you talk in English?"
"sure, and why did you call me Katsuki, it sound weird coming from you."
"well Kacchan sounds weirder."

We just hanged out on the beach for a few hours, the guys really liked Katsuki, and he was chill with them.
"hey sorry guys me and Xan have to go, next week when summer break starts we want to go to Italy, and our parents only let us if we get home earlier, se yaaa."
"yeah, uhmmm, me and Lyn have dinner with my parents, so we have to go, sorry."
" Hex, you staying the night?"
"nah, dad wants my help with the business, plus we skip tomorrow, just the 2 of us, so we have enough time, se yaa Zuki, later Basti."
"Katsu, you come home with me and Zuku."
"do I have a say in this?"
"nah, I was really annoying, these last few days and the gang have been staying over, for some nights, soo he needs to be alone."
"well let's go dad is probably home by now, and I think David has like an hour before patrol, and Kai is at a classmate for a project."

We get home and ask the maids where our parents are.
"Stephanie, where are our parents?"
"they are in the dining room, do you want to eat as well?"
We go in the room and i see Katsu literally tense, I chuckled at the fact, that he is scared of dad and David.



Dooneeee, ok, let's start with what I have to say.

I have like two more books, that are not posted, and wanted to see if you guy's wanted me to post them.

The first one is the Dadzawa one I talked about, and the second one is a new idea, I actually just discovered how much I like this idea, it's a Bnha little space oneshots book.( even if I don't post it you can give requests.)
Soo choose


No books( meaning I wait until I finish this story)

I may not post on Monday, or if I do the chapter may be shorter, because I haven't finished it yet, and I don't know if I have enough time to finish it.

I want to see if any of you can guess what Hex's dad's business is.

HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD, HOW, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT SO MANY PEOPLE READ THIS STORY, I LIVE YOU( was supposed to say love, but in this house we stan BenJey (Benji Krol x Jorge Garay))

Fourth, HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD, HOW, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT SO MANY PEOPLE READ THIS STORY, I LIVE YOU( was supposed to say love, but in this house we stan BenJey (Benji Krol x Jorge Garay))

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You are the best, it actually makes my day when I open wattpad and see that people like this piece of shit.
Again if anyone has any questions, just send me a message, or write a comment, because I read every comment posted.

Anywayyyy, I have to go before the monster under my bed gets bored and decides to eat me


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