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Third Person POV

Two boys and a man enter the hotel.
The two boys seem very caught onto their conversation, and they don't realize that they are already inside.

" I mean, come on, say a cartoon that is better than SpongeBob."
"what do you say about Teen Titans?"
"ewwe, you watch that shit?"
"not the new one, thd old one, where there were actual battles."
"well that is a cool cartoon, but not better than SpongeBob, only Scooby Doo, the og version of course , and The Amzing World Of Gumball are better."
"i would contradict you, but you are right, Gumball and the og version of Scooby Doo are fucking amazing."
(this is actually my and my brother's opinion on cartoons, the new Scooby Doo and Teen Titans Go suck, and Rip In Peace The Amazing World Of Gumball you will always be a part of my heart.)

The boys were to absorbed in their conversation to notice the Bakusquad coming over to them.

"ok so what's the big deal racoon eyes?"
"we can't understand you, Bakubro."
"not my problem shitty hair."
"you are aware that I know japanese, so you don't have to talk in English."
"yeah, but it's funny, cause, if, and when, they'll follow us, at least they won't understand what we are talking about."
"suit yourself."

Meanwhile, with Izu's dad, and Aizawa.

"hey 'Zawa, long time no see."
"Hisa, what the fuck did you do the last 15 years?"
"I was busy Ok?"
"for 15 years?"
"anyway, how's life, is Izuku better, he told me what happened."
"he is doing very well, after Biohazard, his group of friends, finish school, they'll have their own agency.
And for me, I remarried, and have 2 more sons."
"seems like you are doing good, so why are you here."
"wanted to see you, and brought Katski back, he is hiding from the bakusquad with Izu."

A few hours later....
With Izuku and Katsuki

The two boys went to a cafe trying to escape the Baku squad, but with no success, so they gave in and sat with them.

"soo Bakubro to who's your new friend?" said Kirishima
"not all of us know English Bakubabe."
"I know I was talking with him, and we'll, he is............. Someone, who you should know."
"Oppp, sorry Katsu, Hex texted, that he wanted to bail, so I gotta go, I'll text you later when to meet at my house.
Oh and, Kiri, Mina, if you really wanted to know my name you could have asked, se yaaa~~"

Deku then goes to the school to meet with Hex, and then they go home, watch a movie, then do some physical activity( aka, Hex got that dick).

Sparky Sparky Boom Man POV

After the nerd left, the idiots were left in utter confusion, except Pikachu, who seemed very disappointed in the others.
"come on, tell us who he is." raccoon eyes begged
"he already gave so many hints, and you still can't catch on, and here I was thinking that I'm the dumb one."
"Pikachu is right, hmph, this I something I never thought I would have said."
"then tell us his name." tape arms said.
"fine, his name is........................."
"ANYWAYS, his name is Midoriya Izuku, mean how couldn't you recognize him, it's true that he change, but not that much."
"What, back up a little, you want to say that, that super confident, sexy and badass guy, is Izuku, Midoriya, the ex-cinnamon roll of 1A?" flat face said confused.
"yep, dunce face is right. Huh, again something I thought I would never say twice."
"heyyy!" Pikachu said sounding offended.
"it's true."
"well now that we know who he is, why we're you talking with him, Bakubabe." Much to my displeasure asked a very noisy Mina
" well you see........."


First I want to say that I am very sorry that I didn't post on Friday, I have an excuse, my aunt just came from Paris, and me and my brother stayed at her for my birthday, which was on satruday btw, and there was no wifi, and the phone signal was bad so I couldn't use my data, so I decided to just post this chapter today.

This is very shitty, but to be fair I wrote it in like a day, and seeing that most chapters take me like 3-4 days to write I don't except this to be good, plus is only like 660 words, so it's shorter.

This was like a birthday break, and I'll try to see if I can double update on Friday, but if not, then life is life.

OK thi is it, again sorry for the lack of chapters, Byeeeee

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