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Yep, I was so injured and exhausted I just passed out, on top of Zuku. And after they were done freaking out, which I know they did even though I was unconscious, they helped me, kinda, I mean they just threw me into a free room with bed.

Few hours later

" oh would you look at that, the sleeping beauty has awoken" Said surprisingly Bakugo, I mean why the heck is he here.
"ohh haha, so funny, where are the others?"
"had to go talk with the police and back to school"
"and why aren't you there too?"
"ummm, well Aizawa sensei doesn't really know that we helped you so I am kinda hiding, at least until it all dies down"
" I feel you, but let me say again, why are you here, I mean in my hospital. room and not with Zuku?"
"he passed out not long ago, the doctors said that he needs a lot of rest so I came here to annoy you"
"ohhh, the honor ( in Zukos voice: HONOR)"

Soo yea, this is how we got to this point with us talking for the last hour, and he is kinda of a good company, even though I will deny this anytime.

"hey, I have a question, but just don't get mad, I'm just curious" said bakugou
"how is it like dating Deku? "
"Hjefejh, sorry but I can't.......hshdhsh....*inhale*, OK, I'm ok, you know that we aren't really together do you?"
"wait what? But you always kiss"
"that's because of his quirk, we re kinda like fuck buddies, I guess, why did you wanna know anyway?"
"umm, cause Ikindamaybelikehim"
"You know that I'm japanese, right?"
"well ok then"
"soo will you help me get together with him?"
" sorry but just cause we spend some time together doesn't mean that we're friends"
"how about acquaintances (my teacher would be proud to know that I wrote this without autocorrect or looking it up, please don't tell me I wrote it wrong), what do you say?"
"dunno, do I get anything out of this?"
"whatever you want?"
He will regret saying that, because I can't exactly get what I want.
" not possible, you can't give me anything I want"
"ohh come on, please, just this one"
"fine, look an ideea make him jealous, he is a very jealous person and most probably he'll act on instinct, so just get a fake boyfriend."
"sure, you up for it?"
" get one of your UA friends to help"
"can't, they are already in a relationship"
"and why do I have to help you?"

Well, let's say it will be a surprise next time we see Zuku, but till then it's gonna be alright, I hope.

And we kept talking for a while, completely ignoring what we just got ourselves into, at least for now, until we decided to talk, and make kind of a plan.

"soooo, how will this work?" I asked
What, if I'm doing this, it better be right.
"well we can just act like we ar togehter, I mean cuddle, hold hands kids, just show affection and all that crap."
"well I don't know about you, but I'm not very good at showing affection and-"
"don't even try to get out of this, we are literally cuddling right now."

Wait, pause there for a moment, I'm sure you're wondering, or not, I don't care, just let me explain what happened. Well I wanted a hug, just kidding......ok, that too.....but mostly because........i don't know actually, he just said he was tired and I let him climb in so bada bing bada boom we were cuddling. Yeah, back to the video, uhh I mean.... uhh.......story?

"well we're alone" I said
"so if there would be someone else here you would kick me out?"
"don't even try puppy dog eyes"
"humph, not fair*pouts*. Anyway, we still need to get a plan."
"Let's just wing it."
"what if someone asks to see us kiss and it'll just be awkward and weird."
"want to try then?"
"like right now?"
"sure why not"

So we kissed, I gotta admit, it wasn't bad, it was kinda good, I'll deny this too anytime, but it's weird kissing someone without fangs, yeah I know, Zuku doesn't always have fangs, at least not the sharp ones, but he still has, anyway the idea is that it feels weird to kiss someone else after you kiss the same person*chough* mostly *chough*.

"hey, Hex, you here?" we hear a voice ask, and sure enough there stands Zuku
"uhh, did I interrupt something?" Zuku asks
"nah, I'm just leaving, see you later" said Bakugou
"soo now that he's gone want to explain what happened?"
" well we agreed that we can date other people while you can still feed of off me, so I did just that"
"well, if you would just let me explain, I have a plan, I'll "toy " around with him for a few months or so, then I'll break his heart, and you'll be there for him, until then you just have to act normal, ok?"
" wow, this is a really thought plan, I'm impressed-."
You'd be more impressed to know I just made this on the spot.
" - never thought that you can think really"
"ohh, come on I'm number 2 in the best hero school in America" (if you're confused it was Hex)
"yes, you are, but we don't go to classes"
"details.....so now we're good?"
"yea, I guess"
"well then what are you waiting, come here"
"impatient much?"
"very..........not in that way, I wanna cuddle, and since you chased my "boyfriend" away, you're the only option."
"ouch, I'm the second option"
"ohh calm down you drama queen"
"love you too"
Heh, if he knew how much it pains me to hear him say it like that, but I guess I don't have a choice, I'll die as an old cat lady, I prefer dogs, kinda, but still.


Well well well, would you look at that, I posted something, I know shocker, but I had a lot of boring classes and already finished the drawings I started (fun fact I draw, not really good, but still) so I decided to do something "productive".

This chapter has a lot of dialogue, and if you're confused, every bit is a two person dialogue so first two are Baku-Hex (this order), The third one Hex-Baku and last one is Deku-Hex (again this order).

This part was more of a scene setter for the ones that will come, sometime this year (let's hope).

Aparently I have 166k views, 3,48k votes and 200 followers, and I have just a question, HOW???

Well after the little freakout session I'm ok, I can't say anything else soo

See yea in september

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