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Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is this really an update. Well you have to read to find out.

but here's a hint: it really is an update, a crappy one, but one nonetheless( this is how you write nonetheless right??)

Sorry for any mistakes, I swear I proof read, but I do t think my brain can compute what is happening anymore


A few weeks later
Izuku POV

"So how's it going with you and Suki?" I asked Hex.
"pretty decent, could be better, for example we could both do whatever we please without fake dating." responded him.
"you know that's not what I was talking about."
"yea, I know, I'm still thinking when to do it, you know."
"fine, fine, just do it faster" (if it's isn't clear they are talking about Hex dumping Baku, not some nasty shiet)
"well I can't just do it after a few weeks, and don't worry, ~~ you're still my favourite~~"
" of course I am, all in all, you still keep coming back to me after evrythin, am I right, Hex?"
"Ughh, right.......i have to go..........see you later? "


Why the heck did he do that, I don't need a reminder of the past, I want to forget everything that happened.

But, he knows that I hate being reminded of the past, so why did he do it. He never does something that I don't like, this is the reason why I started crushing on him. Something is weird and I know it.

A few hours later with Biohazard(minus Izu)

"Sooo, did you guys saw something weird with Izu?" asked Kat.
"yea, he seems kinda detached, at least from us, he even went as far as to lock himself in his room as soon as dad and Hisa get home." said Seba
"and he doesn't even acknowledge me anymore" said Kai
"well, we didn't spend time with him that much 'cause we're busy, but he still seems cold towards us" said Lix
"so it's not only me then." I said( Hex)
" wait, wait, wait, what do you mean, he's behaving weird towards you?" asked Nate
"well, he was pretty normal until few hours ago, and then out of nowhere he starts talikng about the past, more precisely THAT part of the past. And he knows that I hate being reminded that." I said
" Ok, officially something is wrong with him. But how can we figure out what is wrong, or something." said/asked Seba.
" well, I'm sure it has something to do with whatever they did to him while we were kidnapped. " I said
" I'm sure he won't talk, but what if we ask Luci, they are the same person, but not, he always doe whatever he wants, and if Izu doesn't want to let Luci out, we can always wait until he needs to eat, and just not let him. " said Xan.
" that's pretty smart. Who are you and what did you do with Xan?. " said Alix
" oh ha ha, you're so so funny." said Xan
" of course, I'm the best." said Alix.

"ooop, I have to get home, come on Kai, let's go, we don't have time to go to the park." said Seba
" just because my quirk is werewolf, that doesn't mean that I am a dog." said Kai.
"of course you aren't buddy, let's go home, dad probably prepared your snack by now."
" OHH, snack snack snack, I want it, I want it." said Kai while running ahead.
" not a dog my ass, well, Hex, see if you can get Izu home, I have to go, so a car doesn't get hit by Kai .
" well, I'm going to track Izu down, and think about a plan or somethn, see you." I said, and the took of, literally.

With Izu, in his POV

"Hey, kid, don't you think you were harsh on Hex, you know he hates that part of the past."
' well, no, and it's not my fault, he's so weak'
" what the fuck is wrong with you?"
'nothing, I just opened my eyes.'
"And I'll close them if you don't get back to normal."
'heh, like you can actually do something.'
"I am the one in control of your body and quirk, so yea, I think I can actually do something."

And the next thing I know I'm blocked inside my head. That son of a bitch, he locked me in here, and I can't even see anything.

Lucifer POV

Good, now that the little pest is eliminated I can roam free, at least for a while. I have to find the other guys to help me, but until then, I think I wanna go back in hell for a while, I want to see what was changed while I wasn't there.

"Well then *smirk* , let's go fuck shit up."

"Izu here you are, I was searching for you."
"huh?, Hex?"
"Luci, thank God, you're making this easier, we need to talk."
"say it quik, I want ot go to the underworld for a bit."
"well, suit yourself, but before that have you seen something weird happening with Izu?"
"yes, and I'm guessing, you want to find out, we'll, if I remember right, he was experimented on with something, you can go back to the factory and see if you can find some clues. In the meantime I will be in the underworld, you can come there when you find something, till then I'll keep him locked up."
" you're a live saver, thanks"
"see you"
"I bid you my rewards*bows*"

Well now that's done with, let's go get my throne back. Let's just hope no one dies, we'll, not someone important at least.

"OPEN THE GATES OF HELL" the stairs of hell, ahhh home sweet home
'heh, this is gonna be fun' let's go wreck a party.

"ohh.., would you look at that, it seems like someone got to comfy on my throne. Doesn't it brother?"



I don't even know what took me this long to update, I only had like 3 tests last week.

And this week I have something which would translate as "another way of school/learning" or something like that, basically you don't have classes and usually go on trips or to the cinema with the class, or just do something outside school, but because Corona, we do these things online, so I have like 3 hours ( divided in 2 modules) of just playing on my phone, playing whatever games are on browser, (cause I don't have games installed on my laptop) , drawing, or whatever the hell I want.

Well the idea is that, there will be another update soo, maybe.
Plus I only have a week till Xmas holiday, and I can't really go anywhere except outside, but outside is cold, and there are humans being there, so that's a no, so I may write more( hopefully).

Well that's all, I have to go to sleep before my mom karate chops my head with a spatula.

Seeee yuuuu, Bye

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