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We get to school, everything normal, until the half of the first period.
We were just 'learning' more like fooling around, when a pewpew-er (cop) burst through the door, and just stared at us, we all took a wild guess, thinking that he was here for us.
"What do I owe this pleasure?" asked our teacher.
"I want to talk to some of your students."
"*sigh* what did Biohazard do again?"
"Why are you assuming that it was us?" Asked Nate.
"Was it someone else?"
At this Nate didn't respond, so we decided to do the most rational decision, and that was to break the windows and jump out, well not really, Basti used his quirk, I teleported, Hex flew, Nate transformed in some bird, the twins moved through shadows and light and Lyn was on Saga's back.
We all met a few streets from school.
"Everyone here?" Asked Hex like the good leader he is.
"Hey Zuku, you ok, you seem, idk, more demonic, I mean your horns are showing and your fangs are longer."
"Idk, I mean I feel hungry, but not for food, it may have to do somthin with my quirk, wait a sec."
After I say this I "disconnect" from the outside world and go inside my mind(kinda like how Naruto goes to talk to Kurama)
'Hey, Lucifer, you here?, I need your help.' It isn't the first time I talked to him, the first time was actually in my sleep, but still.
"hey, kid. What do you want?"
'well, I need your help'
'my fangs grew, my horns showed themselves, and I have a feeling like I am hungry, but not for food, like I will kill someone if I don't get what I want'
"aha, it's nothing much, you just have to eat souls, did you do something that used a lot of energy"
'I teleported for the first time, and how am I supposed to eat souls?'
"so this is why, and to eat you can just bite someone like a vampire, but he will die in pain, or you can just suck their soul, you can just kiss them, your fangs will do the rest, if you do this they won't be in pain while they die"
'do I really have to kill someone everytime I feel the need to eat?'
'ok we'll talk later about what else my quirk can do, see ya'

Back with the others

"so I have some news, first I found what is wrong with me, and thankfully, I'll go back to normal, but ikindahavetoeatahumansouleverytimeiusetoomuchenergy"
"Slower Zuki."
"I have to eat a human soul everytime I use too much energy, aand the person I use will die."
"well that isn't really a problem, I mean I am kinda immortal so you can eat mine."
"sure, so how do you do it?"
"well, there are 2 mods to do it first, I can bite your neck like a vampire, which hurts, or I can kiss you, which doesn't."
"you just want to kiss him."
"no I don't, Lyn, you can ask Luci."
"fine bring him here."
"he is right, but you are kinda right too, I mean he thought a few times that he wanted to kiss Hex."
"see point proven. "
I didn't say anything after this and just kissed him, because I felt like my consciousness was slipping. It felt kinda weird to kiss him, especially when I felt my fangs growing, and then shrinking back to their normal size, at least it was a good sign meaning that I ate, the not so good thing was the fact that the kiss lasted a few minutes, but other than that it was great.

Woho, finished, I actually have to write faster, because this is the last chapter that I have written, but good news, the next chapter is the time skip.

Regarding what I said like a few days ago about the ending, I decided to end this after they are a couple, buut make a seuqel, wich, most probably will be published in September, oh yea, when school starts, I will change my schedule, and only update once a week.

I think this is all, thank you for listening to my ted talk, I was your host, The Cookie Monster, and I have to go avenge a bee.

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