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Izuku POV

"Give up, you will never be as powerful as me. My plan is working perfectly, in no time everyone who wronged me will pay."
"starting with you."
He than brings his sword up to my neck and--

OK ok enough about that, I guess that you are wondering how did we ended up like this, well let me exlpian.

Rewind like 3 hours or more

We split up in pairs and started patrolling the city trying to find some clues to where could Negative be, he always uses brainwashed people, which are called demons to help him so while the heroes deal with those he can escape.

The pairs are: me and Hex, Seba and Kai, Nate and Lyn, Xan and Alix.

We patrol for a little while, when I see smoke coming from a few streets ahead.

" Azazel, let's go." we use our hero names when wearing our costumes.
We arrive there and see some demons trying ( and almost succeeding) to rob a bank.
We deal with them and clean up, when I see something weird, it's one of their masks. I decide to call Kai and Seba, maybe they can help.

" hey guys you there."
"yea, why, need help?"
"kinda come downtown, financial, next to jewelry."
"ok k be there in a sec."

And true to his word Seba was here in a second.

"so why are we here?"
"well me and Deku fought some demons, and we found this, and thought that Lychantrope can find their trail and we can catch them."
"sure I can do that."

So here we are following a wolf/dog/kid to a secret villain lair, pretty exciting don't you think? Well it was until we arrived at an abandoned subway.

"why are we here."
"here stops the trail"
"Ughh, let's split up and find some clues to where we can go next."

We spent the next half an hour trying to find something that can lead us to Mr Negative, or just other demons.
Just as we were ready to give up and head home, Kai heard something, and this time it wasn't just some rat, or something.

"guys, wasn't this supposed to be abandoned?"
"what do you mean."
"I hear something aproching, but I can't really tell what."
"which direction?"
"left, and is kinda like 10 miles away, it's not very fast."
"lets wait till the twins get here, we can sent Lix, if it's a problem she can hide in the shadows."

We called the rest when we arrived but Nate and Lyn couldn't make it, they are with others heroes stopping the demons that are there.

"Ok we're here, what are we doing?"
"we nedd you to go there."
"so I can kidnap you. why do you think Sherlock? "
"ok, jeez, I'm going, calm your tits."

Third Person POV

While they were waiting for something from Alix, Deku and Hex felt a presence behind them, but they couldn't react fast enough, so they were knocked out, same with the others.

They were brought to a hall type thing, where they were strapped to metal chairs, and put in quirk canceling cuffs.

After a few hours, they started to wake up, when a mysterious figure appeared in the room, most probably using the door, but not totally sure.

"well, well, well, what do we have here, seems like your demon left you, doesn't it, Izuku~"
"who are you, and how do you know my name."
"why should we concern ourself about that, you have other things to worry about,       like your life, and your friend's."


Alix POV

I can't sense their presence anymore so ia decided to travel in the shadows so if someone comes, they won't see me.

While I am walking I hear some people. I go in the direction from where their voices are and see a group of demons talking and loading a train full of guns, explosive and armor. I decide to follow them, maybe I can get a new trail.

I tried contacting the others, but they didn't respond, I was getting worried, but they can manage themselves, right now I need to concentrate on the task at hand.

I have been following them for a few miles like 50 something, when suddenly they stop and I can't believe where we are........


Done with this double update, I am actually pretty tired, and I like the direction where this is going.

If you recognize the name Mr Negative, or something like that, it's beacause it's from Marvel's Spider-Man, the ps4 game, so I most likely am going to use the fight between Spider man and Mr Lee as inspration( which btw took me like 3 tries to get past)

OK this all, I'll see if I can post on Monday.

See yaa~~~

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