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Alix POV

..... It was a fucking candy factory.....
I literally have no words, how, why, would a villain choose a fucking candy factory as their base. Why, just why?

Anyways, I have something else to do first then I can laugh at their choices.

( the demons talk in mandarin, but I can't translate so it will be written like this)

"What took you so long?" asked some guy with 2 whips, made of some sort of energy
"we had to take some detours. We almost ran in some heroes." answered the one that drove the train.
"doesn't matter, the boss is in the room, with the hero teens, he is waiting."

After they said this, the 'boss' went to the roof, I think, and the other guy unloaded the train, with the others.

By now I was almost convinced that the others were capturated, but now I am sure, if you are wondering how I know mandarin, it's because, we( both Xan and Alix), are half chinese, but we haven't really told anyone.
Oh and I know mandarin, because in my dad's place of birth, it was mostly spoken, over chinese, and, sadly, me and my brother spent like 2-3 years there and we learned it.

Anyway, I something else to woryy about right now, such as the fact that the guys are now kidnnaped, and they have a chance to be dead. And if I don't find where they are and save them, they will be as good as dead......... No pressure.

Izuku POV

We are still tied up, in quirk canceling cuffs listening to his villain plan.
I'm trying to look for escape routes, but I can't find any, except for the door at the end of the room, but that's a no. Ughhh, I need help.

'Luci, you here, please tell me you are here.'
"I'm here kid, what do you want"
'help, I need to escape and I don't know how'
" You could let me take control, and maybe I can break the cuffs."
'that's a good idea, but can I do that with quirk canceling cuffs'
" I think yea, I can try"

I reconnect to the real world, and wait, and wait, aaaand wait for about 5 minutes, then I feel Luci taking control.

'it worked'
"good, now what?"
'I can try and transport you to the underworld, and from there we just have to free some monsters.'
"i don't think that you can do that without a quirk."
' yea, your right, then we just wait and I'll see if I can break them.'
" fine, at least, let's be both in control, I'm curious."

After the little dialog, I can control my body too, and now we wait, again.


" boss, seem like one of them is missing."
"what do you mean"
"there were supposed to be 2 blonds not 1"
"then find the other one"
"yes sir"
"sorry to disappoint you, but I have to go deal with something .
let's see how much you can survive ."

After that he goes away. And we start thinking about a plan, but Xan is odly quiet.

"Xan, is something bothering you."
"yes, you couldn't understand them, but I can, and it's not pretty."
"then tell us."
"they are trying to find Lix, they know she is here, and they want to kill her."
" you know Lix she won't give up that easily"
"yea you're right."
"of course I am, after all I am the all mighty Deku. Now you need to do something, because you are the brain off this group."
"*sigh* of course I don't get a break."

Alix POV

I am still trying to find the other guys, but it's hard, seeing as I can't find them based on smell, like Kai.
While I am waiting I hear people talking, so I go and spy on them, what don't look at me like that it's the 21st century, everyone spies on everyone, there could be someone watching you right now-* hits camera*( it's a reference, you get it you cool, you don't, I don't care)

"did you talk with boss?"
"yes, he said to find that blond girl whatever it takes"
"then what are we waiting for, I still want to live you know."
"yea, yea I'm coming."

They are looking for me, this is bad, this is very bad. I need to find the others before the demons find me.


Izuku POV

While we were still brainstorming, we hear footsteps approaching the door, and fast, we were all prepared for the worst.

When the door opens we see..............


Mwhahahaha, I left you with a cliffhanger.

Would you look at that I finished it, not gonna lie, I thought that I wouldn't.
And again I have an excuse, if I don't post , my dad started replacing the roof for one of our neighbors, and I decided to help him, and let me tell you it's not fun staying on a burning hot roof a whole day, the good part was that I needed to go in the attic where it wasn't hot, I had to crawl around like Tarzan, and I hit my head once and my back twice, it was fun, and I get paid sooo.

Anyways, who do you think is at the door you can leave your guesses here, I have 2 ideas, so I need to choose.

That's all folks

See yaaAa

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