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_____TIME SKIP_____________
Izuku POV

Everything was going well, we had only this year and then we will be heros, with our own agency, obviously called Biohazard, I mean the name really stuck with us, well Kai has some more years but that doesn't matter he is almost as skilled as someone my age. Oh yea cause I said about age, I just turned 18 a few days ago, and dad's present was a car, but not any car,  fucking Koenigsegg CCXR( to be fair I don't know anything about this car, I just found it on Google)

 Oh yea cause I said about age, I just turned 18 a few days ago, and dad's present was a car, but not any car,  fucking Koenigsegg CCXR( to be fair I don't know anything about this car, I just found it on Google)

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This is how it looks and is awesome.
Anyways, I should probably wake up the rest off the gang, cause we have school, sadly.
"I would gladly if we didn't have school in half an hour, you're lucky you have clothes here, now 'scuse me while I go wake Basti and Xan."

So your probably wondering what happened, well the gang has sleepovers often at my place, so we have a "sleeping system" well it's mostly just how I wake them up and who sleeps where, I am the one that wakes them cause I don't really need sleep, but somehow I still have bags, so I just wake them, and with sleeping usually me and Hex share my bed, Seba and Xan share Seba's cause they are together and Kai, Nate, Lix and Lyn just sleep in my room.

I wake all of them up and prepare to go to school, there are some uniforms, kinda, but we never used them, we just go with our matching hoodies
On the back is the biohazard symbol with Biohazard written under, and on the front is something regarding our quirk, all of them are mostly black.

I wake all of them up and prepare to go to school, there are some uniforms, kinda, but we never used them, we just go with our matching hoodiesOn the back is the biohazard symbol with Biohazard written under, and on the front is something regardin...

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