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Jin's POV

Namjoon had been acting weird for the past couple of days. When I confronted him about it, he told me that it was just all of this Y/N stuff and that the search was getting to him. But I know, deep down, what this is really about. He's relapsed and he thinks he can hide it from me.


I know him when he's going through withdrawal. I know him when he's high. I know him when he's hiding drugs under his pillow.

I've known him too long for him to be able to hide this from me.


"Hoseok, Jin," Jimin nods to each of us. "This is the newest member of our team. Namjoon. Treat him nicely."

I glance over at the new guy and see the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on. He has a stone-cold face. He must have gone through some shit. Not surprised. With Jimin's choice of mafia members.

Jimin sighs. "I have my eye on a few more people who might fit in well with our group. Hoseok," he looks at Hobi next to me. "See to it that they are kept safe until I find the right time to acquire them."

Hoseok nods and Jimin leaves the room, walking straight to his own.

I smile and reach a hand out towards Namjoon. "Hey, I'm Seokjin."

Namjoon purses his lips before slowly shaking my hand. "Namjoon."

Hoseok chuckles. "And I'm Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi."

Namjoon nods, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets, the cold look on his face unwavering.

"Well, I have work to do...as usual," Hoseok sighs. "I'm sure Jin will take care of you for the time being. He's good at that."

I roll my eyes, shoving Hoseok playfully. "He just means I'm good at being hospitable, I guess."

"Is that your job around here?" Namjoon spits out, taking me by surprise.

"Job..." I mumble, slightly confused.

"I just mean, that's your role here. Like the host of the household. The help."

My mouth opens then closes, not sure of how to answer.

Namjoon scoffs. "So, where's my room?"

I blink in disbelief. This man really is a piece of work. "U-uh, it's...follow me."

I start to lead him down the long hallway of bedrooms and bathrooms, but I can't help but feel uneasy with him following behind me. There's something weird about his presence. He's lifeless and completely emotionless.

"So, what do you do then?" I decide to ask, leaning against the doorway of his new room as he steps inside to check out the area.

"Not sure yet. Just got here, remember?" He chuckles.

I squint in confusion. "He must have seen something in you or you wouldn't be here." Namjoon doesn't respond. Instead, he just opens his closet and glances inside, completely ignoring me. "Must be something broody and dark since that's the vibe I'm getting from you."

He finally looks back at me. I fold my arms in front of my chest and raise an eyebrow.

"Broody and dark?" He smiles, amused.

I look down and chuckle, realizing how amusing that does sound. "Don't blame me. All you've given me are rude comments and emotionless glares. You seem unpredictable and scary."

He takes a few steps toward me. "So you're scared of me, then?"

I shake my head, my lips turning up into a smile. "I didn't say that. It's just a vibe you give off." Namjoon nods, not taking his eyes off me now. "I don't scare easily anymore. It's a useless emotion."

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