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My breath comes out heavy and labored, my whole body aching with every inhale. My wrists feel like they're on fire and my shoulder blades burn due to being tied up for multiple hours on end.

"So," I breathe out, painfully, my throat scratchy and dry. "Who is my real father then?"

Sunho chuckles, without a hint of sincere happiness. More like amusement. "There's a reason why we decided to keep that information from you. It's better this way."

"You started the conversation," I remind him.

"And I'm going to end it here--"

"I should have known. You never treated me as your own. It was always Doyun who was the shiny, golden child, while I was pawned off as a sex instrument," I growl out.

Sunho's look of amusement falls from his face immediately and he scoots closer to me, leaning down to look at me eye to eye. "It was always your mother's wish to keep you safe," he grits out. "And I know you hate me for what I did to you, but while you were living in my household, you had to be treated as a child who recieved the same mafia upbringing as Doyun to prevent questions from the others around me in leadership."

I shake my head in disappointment. "You didn't want to risk your status."

"Whatever you may believe about me, I still kept you safe as your mother wished," he whispers, pulling away from me.

I blink in confusion.

"I always gave Doyun the harder, more dangerous missions," he informs me.

"You underestimated me," I hiss.


I jump slightly in shock at his tone of voice.

He sighs, pinching the bridgee of his nose. "I think you know that I'm not a good father. It was never supposed to happen this way. I was supposed to act as the father to protect her, your mother, so that when she felt safe enough, she could leave with you and never have to worry about you being in danger," he looks me dead in the eyes. "But she died and I was the one left with the legal gaurdianship."

My eyes burn with the hot sensation of tears starting to form. I already have a headache from the abuse I've recieved already and the crying will not help, so I try to pull it back. "And you didn't want me."

"Like I said, I'm not a good father. I could barely handle having Doyun, but at least he's male and I could train him up to be a soldier in my mafia," he says, slowly.

"And why can't females do that?"

He shakes his head. "I didn't say they couldn't. In fact, I know a few very strong females who work for me, but it doesn't change the fact that they are treated differently in the industry if they aren't careful," he explains. "And I had to keep you safe."

I look away from him. "How were you keeping me safe when you sent your men to gang rape me."

He sighs. "I think you know, truly, in your heart, what happened."

I look back up at him. "No," a single tear falls down my face. "I don't."

"Park Jimin happened," he spits. "At first, I was glad you had finally left so I didn't have to care for you anymore, but they I found out who you ran to."

"He..." I trail off. "He was nice at first. He gave me everything I dreamed of. He didn't underestimate what I could do. He let me take control in missions. He trained me in multiple fields. And..." I bite my lip. "I thought I found my first love."

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