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a/n: this gif gives me serious Tae vibes...

Yeonjun's POV

"This is child abuse," I mutter under my breath, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Noona would want you to carry on like normal," Jeongguk answers no-so-convincingly as he wipes down the counter from my spill of juice.

"But this isn't normal," I groan. "She's missing and we're not doing anything to help her!"

Jeongguk visibly stiffens and clenches his fists at his sides. I take a step back.

"Namjoon is doing his best to locate her, but we can't just go galavanting everywhere, okay?" His voice slightly raises with every word. "Look, I wish I could just go guns blazing to that douche-of-a-father's house and shoot him dead, but that's not how we do things and, unfortunately, that could do more harm than good right now. So," he takes a deep breath, "we wait."

He still doesn't sound very calm, but I decide to disregard that and move on to lighter conversations.

"Soobin's birthday is coming up," I mumble.

"Junnie," Jeongguk warns. "You know how I feel about you being out and about right now."

"But you let me go to school and it's not like there aren't dangers every day being in the family I'm in, anyway," I moan in frustration. "He's my boyfriend! I want to celebrate his birthday with him."

"Unless Soobin wants to spend his birthday in this house, it's a hard no," Jeongguk answers firmly.

I groan, grab my crutches, and swing myself out the door as quickly as possible.

"What a joke," I grumble, walking to my bus stop.

"Yo, yo!" One of my friends, Beomgyu rushes over to me, slinging an arm over my shoulder. "First day of high school! You excited?"

I chuckle. "I still barely speak English. This should be a blast," I answer sarcastically.

"You're way better now than you ever were before," Beomgyu smiles. "And no worries. I'm sure your popular boyfriend will take care of you."

I scowl. "I can take care of myself," I say just before one of my crutches slips out from under me, causing me to crash to the ground with a thud.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes with a chuckle. "Obviously." He offers me his hand and lifts me back onto my feet. "Have the doctors seen any improvement on your leg?"

I look down at my leg, sweatpants covering the large cast that takes up most of it. "My foot has more movement now."

Beomgyu smiles, his eyes showing true happiness for me. "That's great! And they thought your whole leg would be useless."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, bud."

"Maybe," Beomgyu trails off, looking at the ground and kicking a rock down the sidewalk. "Maybe soon you'll be able to join dance classes again."

My mood sours and I snap. "No." My voice comes out loud and my mouth turns up into a sneer.

He shakes his head. "I didn't mean--"

"My leg won't ever heal," I hiss. "I'm not going to dance again."

Beomgyu pauses for a moment, looking up at me. Then he sighs. "Okay."

The bus pulls up in front of us, thankfully, reducing the tension. But we don't speak at all the entire trip to school.


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