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Jeongguk's POV

Arriving at the "safe house" was the only exciting thing to happen to me since proposing to Y/N all those weeks ago. Our lives hadn't necessarily been simpler or safer, our lives have never been simple or safe, but they sure were easier and a lot less chaotic and scary.

I should have seen it coming. Y/N running towards the danger to find Doyun. I knew how much she loved him. I guess I just didn't want to think that she'd leave me. I didn't want to be that mafia boyfriend that kept her locked up and watched over her all the time. She's capable enough on her own, which is why the fact that she's been kidnapped for this long is interesting. I'd like to think that if she had wanted to escape, she would have.

"I can see your gears turning," Yeonjun walks up beside me as we make our way up to the front door. I let out a breathy chuckle. "Shouldn't we be walking up with guns in our hands, ready for a shoot-out or something?"

"I think the peaceful approach is our best option," I shrug, "until things get out of hand."

"Peaceful is ideal. Is it probable?" Yoongi clicks his tongue. "Probably not."

"We've gone through this before," Soobin comments, grabbing Yeonjun's hand. "We can do it again."

"It feels weird that we're just strolling up to the door-" Yeonjun starts, but is cut off by the door being thrown open.

Doyun rushes out. "Jeongguk," he breathes out, relieved. He grabs me by the shoulder. "We have been waiting for the day you would arrive."

"Why wouldn't you just reach out?" I speak, curiosity picking at me tirelessly.

He shakes his head. "Inside."

I nod and walk alongside Doyun through the front door, leading the other three behind me. We walk down a long hallway.

"Blood on the walls," Soobin whispers, pointing to one of the walls to the side of us.

I look to Doyun for an explanation.

"Y/N is the cause of that," he answers, quietly. "It's not what you think. I can promise you that."

He leads us into a large room with a long table in the middle of it, chairs surrounding it. A meeting room. Sungho sits at the far end looking lost in thought, a large bruise on his cheek and an ice pack held to the top of his head.

"What happened here?" I ask, not knowing for sure if I want an answer.

"Sit," Sungho speaks firmly.

Soobin looks at me hesitantly but is the first to pick a chair, pulling out the one next to him for Yeonjun. Yoongi and I sit next to them, farthest away from Sungho, while Doyun stays standing, walking over to the other side of the room with Sungho. He sighs loudly as the doors to the room shut.

"I'm sure you're looking for answers," Sungho begins, sounding tired. "And while we don't have all of them, we do have most of them. Please," he looks up at us, "tell us what you already know."

I shake my head. "Are we on the same side here?"

Sungho clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "We both want to keep Y/N safe. I can assure you of that. Either way," he drops the ice pack from his head and sets it on the table, "do you really have another option?"

"I'm sure we could-"

"No, we couldn't," Yeonjun chimes in, cutting me off. He glares in my direction, then looks back at Sungho. "We'll cooperate, but if anything goes south, we're prepared to walk out of here, and whatever you are really wanting from us, you'll lose forever."

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