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Hoseok's POV

"This is bullshit!" I hear Jeongguk shout from the other side of the house.

I sigh, relaxing back into the bed. I'm still not fully healed, so they keep telling me to stay in bed as much as possible.

"Still feel like shit?" Yoongi mumbles from across the room, book in hand as he reads quietly.

I hum. "Could be better," I answer hesitantly. Yoongi doesn't talk to me much. Of course, I understand why. I killed his boyfriend.


I look away, not knowing exactly how to respond.

"You could at least try to defend yourself," Yoongi slaps his book shut and rolls his eyes.

I scoot myself up on the bed and look at him. "Why would I defend myself for something that was obviously wrong?"

Yoongi just stares back at me, expression unchanging.

"I regret everything that I did, you know," I add. "Tae was my friend, too."

Yoongi stands up and marches right out the door. Tears immediately come to my eyes. He's sensitive. I understand. But seeing him upset makes me upset.

I wish I had never met Jimin. Taehyung would still be alive and happy, living with Yoongi.

"Stop crying," Jin walks in, sitting on the corner of the bed.

I sniffle. "I wish I was the one..."

"Hm?" Jin hums. "The one who...what?"

"I wish I had died that day instead of Tae," I bite my lip, holding back my sobs.


Yoongi's POV

I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. I quickly open the cap and down most of the water.

"Damn," Namjoon mumbles from the other side of the counter.

I lift my middle finger up and down the rest of the water from the bottle.

"Thirsty much?"

"Long day."

Namjoon looks down at his watch. "It's only noon."

"Well, Hoseok makes the time go by slower and slower for me," I grumble.

Namjoon sighs. "Look. We all understand where you're coming from, but are you ever gonna let that go? You know as good as I do that Hoseok was under the influence of drugs same as we were before we broke out of it. It's not his fault."

"I don't need a lecture right now, Joon," I grit my teeth. "If Jin were the one he murdered, you would be the same way."

"I happen to be smarter than you, no offense."

I blink. "Offense taken."

"Whatever. I just know that it's not Hoseok's fault. It was Jimin's and we already got that revenge," Namjoon says. "Actually, Y/N did. So how about we stop getting in petty arguments with each other and spend time looking for Y/N since she's the one who was supposed to be home an hour ago."

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