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"Please..." my tears have all dried at this point, but my eyes are bloodshot red and my head feels like it could explode.

My father crosses his arms in front of me, looking down at me with a scowl on his face.

I wiggle my wrists a little bit to try to ease the pain of them being tied behind my back on this chair, but it only makes the pain worse.

He kneels down. "Doyun can't save you this time, Y/N. It's just you and me and I won't stop until I've gotten it out of you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," my voice comes out weak and tired. "Just kill me already. That's what you want, isn't it."

"Even if we tried to kill you right now, you wouldn't die and you know that."

Another painful tear escapes my eye moments before another shock is sent coursing through my entire body, evoking a terrible scream from the deepest parts of my throat.

When the electricity stops, I droop down into the chair. "Please, stop...I-I can't take this anymore."

He grits his teeth. "I will stand here all day if I have to until we get this thing out of you."

"What thi--AHHH!" Another string of electricity courses through my veins.

"I won't stop until it's out. I won't."


Jeongguk's POV

"She hasn't called yet?" Namjoon raises an eyebrow.

"That's not like her," Jin says, then looks at me. "That's not like her, right?"

"No, it isn't," I worry my bottom lip with my teeth, my arms crossed tightly over my chest as I tap my foot impatiently on the floor.

"I think you might be overreacting," Hoseok mumbles.

"I wouldn't be saying things like that if I were you," I glare at him. "I don't trust you like the rest of these morons do. If it were up to me, you'd be locked up," I spit.

Yoongi walks into the room, emotionless as always. "While my heart agrees with you, my brain tells me that he's not the enemy here, Jeongguk."

"Whatever. This isn't the point," Namjoon sighs. "She should have called by now. Her plane was supposed to take off an hour ago, which means, if she's on that plane, she's only a couple hours away."

"We should just wait it out," Jin nods.

"What if she's in trouble?" I throw my hands up. "We're just going to let that happen?"

"We don't know that she's in any trouble," Yoongi steps forward to console me. "We can't jump to conclusions. Maybe her phone died."

I shake my head. "No. Something's wrong. I can feel it."

Yoongi stays silent for a few moments before turning to look at everyone else. "I hate to say it, but I sense something's wrong, too."

I jump up to my feet once he says this, but he pushes me back into the chair.

"I'm not saying that we should rush to her. I agree that we should wait at least a couple more hours," Yoongi finishes.

I groan, dropping my head into my hands. "I'd feel much more at ease if I could just know for sure."

"Wouldn't we all," Namjoon mumbles.

I slowly look up at him. "You," I stand up. "You could use your tech knowledge or whatever and try to see where she is, right?"

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