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Hoseok's POV

"Fuck this guy," I mumble before slurping up some noodles from my bowl of ramen. A random show is on the television in my room. It's some sort of romantic comedy.

"What's going on?" Jin walks into the room.

I glance at him, then back at the tv. "The guy on this show is trying to steal someone else's girl."

"Then, yeah. Definitely fuck this guy," Jin nods. Then he squints, cringing. "Wait, no. She shouldn't fuck the guy. I'm just saying definitely fuck this guy--you know what, I'm gonna stop talking."

Yoongi strolls into the room, plopping down on the chair across the room where he usually sits and grabs his book, opening it up to where he last left off, completely ignoring our banter.

I refocus my attention on Jin. "How's the search coming?"

"We think we have a lead, but between you and me, Joonie is getting a bit discouraged. He's losing hope," Jin shakes his head, sadly. "They covered their tracks very well. Hacked cameras, erased phone records, the list goes on and on."

"She's definitely in Korea, though. Right?" I ask.

"Yep. We saw her get into a taxi in Korea. That's the last we saw of her," he nods.

I look down at my lap. It's my fault she even went there in the first place. I told her about Doyun being alive. It's all my fault that Y/N could be dead right now.

"Seokjin," Yoongi mutters in a warning tone, not looking up from his book.

"What? He asked."

"I think Hoseok needs to rest," Yoongi shakes his head.

"Since when did you even care," Jin smirks.

Yoongi finally looks up, locking eyes with Jin. His face shows utter annoyance. 

Jin holds his hands up in surrender. "I'm leaving," he chuckles as he walks out of the room.

"Sorry," Yoongi mumbles.

"For what?"

"He's being thoughtless," he answers, simply.

"About?" I ask.

Yoongi looks at me, a sad look on his face. He stands up, setting the book down on his chair. He scoots onto the bed beside me, our shoulders brushing slightly. I quickly scoot away from him a little bit. He looks at me again, the same sad look on his face.

He doesn't answer my question for a few extra seconds, just staring into my eyes. 

"Yoongi..." I mumble his name.

He looks away. "I know you feel like it's your fault."

My jaw clenches subconsciously. I decide not to answer because I know that he's just going to try to tell me that it's not when it really is.

"You can't think like that," he continues. "Doyun's her brother. She deserved to know the truth. In all honesty, it's her fault for running off without telling anyone. Of course, we're gonna try our best to find her and save her, but it's not your fault that she's been captured. Not by long shot." His eyes are back on mine at this point.

"24 hours ago you would barely speak to me. Now you're trying to make me feel better," I speak hesitantly. "Is it because...you're scared that I might do something to harm myself?"

"Hoseok," he whispers my name in a way that makes me shiver. I quickly look down at my lap. His gaze is intense enough to make me think annoyingly wrong thoughts.

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