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Taehyung's POV

Tiale hands me an earbud and I slip it into my ear.

"Are you two seriously listening to other music when we have the radio on?" Our mother speaks, laughing heartily.

"You're playing old music," I chuckle.

"Yeah, we like the new stuff," Tiale confirms with a nod of her head.

Our mother sighs happily. "I'm just glad you two get along."

"This again," Tiale whispers to me.

"Some kids your age don't get along. Especially when they're male and female," she continues.

Our father steps in. "Let's not jinx it, shall we?"

My mother shakes her head and makes a turn onto a new street.

"Oh, Jesus," our father swears as she swerves out of the way of something.

"Don't worry. Someone just wasn't driving in their la--"

All of a sudden, the car crashes into a pole and moments later, it crashes down on us. I scream out in pain as a large piece of thick glass flies through the air and impales my arm. I take a deep breath, reaching over and pulling it from my skin, blood spurting everywhere. I groan in pain as I try to release my seatbelt. My arm won't move. The glass must have nicked something important.

"Oh, god," I look to my right where my sister was sitting and all I see is the metal of the car ceiling bent down in its place. 

She's under there. Probably crushed to death. A sob leaves my lips.

"Mother," I cry out.

No answer. She's still sitting in front of me, but she's not moving. How did things get so bad so quickly? How did this happen?

The car suddenly bursts in flames and my eyes go wide. My mother is immediately engulfed in the flames.

If I don't get out soon, the car will explode with all of us in it.

"Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god," I repeat over and over, still trying to loosen my seatbelt with the one arm that wasn't impaled with glass.

The door to my left suddenly opens. A man stands there.

"Help me, please," I plead with the man.

He nods and reaches out toward me.

"My seatbelt," I inform him.

He grabs the seatbelt and tries to press the button to release it. It doesn't work. He then pulls out a knife and slices the seatbelt easily. He grabs my free hand and pulls me out of the car. I fall onto the pavement.

"We need to...get my family out," I say in between breaths.

"It's too late for them," the man speaks. "I called the police. We need to get out of this area. The car's going to explode."

"Please, try to help them. Please!" I cry. 

He grabs at my arm. "We need to go."

"What would you do if this was your family?" I scream, fighting back.

He looks at me. "I'd let them die in a heartbeat," he speaks without remorse.

I guess not everyone has a happy family situation. "Please, sir."

He sighs. "Let the police do what they can. For now, we need to get out of the vicinity."

I can tell he's not going to give this up, so I nod. "What's your name?"

He smiles. "Jimin."

I nod. "Thank you for saving me, Jimin."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jeongguk's POV

The Serendipity Club. I take a deep breath.

"This is going to get us killed," Yeonjun speaks quietly.

I faintly hear Soobin shush him from behind me.

"What's the plan here? He probably already knows we're here," Yoongi sighs.

I don't answer.

"Please, don't tell me we don't have a plan," Yeonjun groans. "Even with a plan, last time, Soobin almost got killed. I refuse to risk all of that again."

"We're already here," Yoongi exclaims. "It's too late to formulate a plan."

Soobin clicks his tongue. "We're wasting valuable time right now. He could have already sucked the drug right out of her brain and killed her."

"Zip it. All of you," I speak firmly. "The plan is to stall him. Assuming he hasn't already taken it out of her, we stall him. Sungho and his men are on their way. They have the firepower we need. But we have to stall him."

"And what makes you think he'll just let us stall him," Yeonjun scoffs.

"We have enough family here to make him want to talk," I nod.

Yeonjun hesitates. "I can...try to stir the pot a little. I have some choice words for him anyway."

Soobin nods. "I'm sure he'll want to talk to me. He'll be surprised that I'm on the opposite side."

"Yoongi, you stay out here and keep watch," I state. "I will go in the back without being seen and keep eyes on Y/N. Make sure she is okay until Sungho gets here. Yeonjun and Soobin, you will be the distraction."

Who knows if this will even work, but we have to try. We don't have much time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

shorter chapter

but the final chapter is coming up

then I'll have an epilogue and an alternate ending

I am so sad this is endinggggg


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