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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of self-harm, abuse, rape, and suicidal thoughts...

Hoseok's POV

Today has been one of the more painful days I've had recently. I've had a terrible migraine for the majority of the day and more and more memories are coming back to me in snippets, which just makes those headaches worse. A lot of random thoughts have been plaguing my mind and that alone has been painful enough to ruin my day.

I sling my legs over the side of my bed, throwing my blankets off my body, and try to push myself onto my feet. Almost instantly, my legs give out on me and I lose all strength to stay standing. Just before I hit the floor, a pair of arms catch me and pull me back up.

My chest is pressed tightly up against another chest. I instinctively grip at the person's biceps to steady myself, pulling myself back upright. I drag my eyes up to find Yoongi standing over me, an awkwardly uncomfortable look on his face.

I quickly try to pull away, but he jerks me back into him. "Don't. You'll just fall again," he mumbles. "Let me help you."

I hesitate to answer, but I nod and let him walk me to the bathroom. I turn around to look at him, leaning back against the sink. "I think I can handle it from here."

He hums and walks right out of the room, closing the door behind him.

He really is a good looking guy. It's not that I've never thought about feeling things for him, in fact, in the past, I did feel things for him. If Taehyung never came into the picture, I probably would have let those feelings actually come into a conversation with Yoongi, but Taehyung did. And I understand why. They just clicked. More than we ever did.

I sigh and turn around to look at myself in the mirror. 

I was always second best to everyone. My entire life. Until I met Jimin. My ex boyfriend had just dumped me when Jimin found me. Looking back, it was a pretty emotionally abusive relationship. But I was so dependent on it that, when I lost it, my heart was completely smashed to pieces. I felt worthless and alone. Jimin had found me in a dark alleyway, a dirty piece of sharp glass in my hand. I was about to slit my wrists. But he saved me, just like he "saved" everyone else.

Jimin was my number one and I thought I was his for the longest time. But his number one was his vengeance and his anger.

And then Y/N became one of my really good friends and it felt good to have another person love me. But she had Jeongguk and I was in second place again.

And now, here I am again practically alone with no one who loves me. No one trusts me and I definitely don't blame them.

I'm not worth anyone's time anyway.


Jimin walks into the room, a familiar anger hidden in his eyes. He slams the door behind him and I immediately stand up in alarm.

"They all made it out alive," Jimin grits his teeth in anger, pacing the room. I take a couple steps back, stiffening in fear of what I know is about to happen. "I planned this out perfectly and they still made it out in time," he huffs. "THAT EXPLOSION SHOULD HAVE KILLED THEM ALL! EVEN THAT BRATTY YEONJUN KID!"


He snaps his head to look at me. "On the bed."

My heart drops to my stomach.


I nod slowly, turning around and lying stomach first on the bed. It's awkward, but it gets it all overwith quicker.

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