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Jeongguk's POV

"Lee Eunae," I speak firmly, stepping inside her house.

"Yes, come in," she mumbles.

Yeonjun and Soobin had decided not to come today. I understand how hard it must be for Yeonjun to show up here. He got away once. I'm sure he'd like to keep it that way.

"The club that Junghoon runs," I start. "Did he give everyone the day off?"

She gives me a quizzical look. "He never does that. Either way, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen him in hours."


She nods. "He was here pretty early this morning. He was in a fairly good mood." She walks to the kitchen. "Tea?"

"No thanks," I shake my head. "You said he came earlier this morning."

She sighs. "Yeah, he was in a rush. He grabbed something then left."

"What did he grab?"

She chortles. "His keys."

"Keys? That's it?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Like car keys?" I ask. Well, that doesn't help much.

She clicks her tongue. "His keychain has his car keys and an extra key for each of the different clubs he owns on it. It's pretty bulky."

My head snaps in her direction. "The clubs?"

She nods.

I take a deep breath, trying to think what that could possibly have to do with this. Maybe he's keeping her in one of those clubs. Wouldn't they get noticed though? If they're all open.

Suddenly, my brain wakes up. If they're all open!

"Are any of his clubs closed down currently?"

She takes a second to think. "The only one I can think of is on the far end of town. I think he said something about it being closed for a short period of time due to staff cuts. I don't know if it's still closed."

That's a pretty good lead. "Thank you, Eunae, for your cooperation."

She clicks her tongue. "As always, you can see yourself out."



"Gguk, can you grab mom's soup?"

I sigh, grabbing the bowl of soup off the counter. "At some point, we're going to have to stop spoon-feeding her and let the machine do the work. She's barely eating," I mumble in response to my older brother, Junseo. 

He takes the bowl from my hands and takes a seat next to our mother. I look down at her as she looks right through me. She doesn't know anything that's going on around her. She doesn't know who we are. As far as we know, she doesn't even know we're here. 

"The landlord is giving us another week to pay rent," Junseo speaks, completely disregarding my last statement. He likes to do that. 

I walk over to the counter by the front door, looking through the multiple different envelopes from various different scams and payments that we're behind on. "I should have enough money for our phone bill by tonight."

He raises an eyebrow at me. 

"I'm taking a job in Seoul."

He sighs, bringing the spoon up to mother's lips. "What kind of job?"

"What kind do you think, Jun?" I scoff. "Better not to ask."

He hums. "Seoul, you said? That's a few hours away."

I nod, dropping the envelopes back on the counter. "I'll be home before you wake in the morning, I'm sure."

I walk into the kitchen to grab myself something to drink but immediately notice one of the knives out of place on the counter. I glance back at Junseo who is still tending to our mother. I pick up the knife and place it in its holder quietly before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and moving back into the living room. 

"Jeongguk," Junseo suddenly speaks my name, stopping me in my tracks. I turn to look at him. "Speaking of jobs," he starts, setting the bowl of soup on the table next to the couch. "I have a small one of my own coming up this week and I'm expecting you to take care of mom when I'm gone."

My lips press tightly into a thin line. "Where are you going?"

He shakes his head and says, "Nowhere of importance to you," but I see as his adam's apple bobs with a slight gulp. "I know I can trust you with our mother. In fact, you're the only person I trust."

If he only knew...

I planned this out so thoroughly. Nothing could have stopped me from what I wanted to do...except this.

"You have always been the one to take care of her," I explain nervously. "I'm no good at it. She'll die in my care."

"You're being dramatic, Gguk," he chuckles. "I need you. This is important. Trust me on that."

I sigh, shaking my head. "I can't."

He scoffs. "You can and you will...because I'm telling you to."

I bark out a laugh. "You're telling me to? When has that ever been the way we do things?"

"I'm older than you. You listen to me," he speaks firmly.

I take a step back, finally understanding. "You're on it again."

"What? Gguk--"

"Aren't you?"

He chuckles. "Don't be stupid. You know I quit that shit after mom got sick."

"She's not sick! She's gone," I finally shout. Junseo jerks backward into his seat. I sigh. "Look at her. She doesn't know we exist. We're just shadows to her. Don't you see that?"

He grits his teeth. "I see what this is. You don't want to take care of her because you think she's already dead. Right?"

I roll my eyes. "I know she's not physically dead, Jun, but I mean, look at her. She's not there anymore. Mentally, she is gone."

He shakes his head. "You...are a disgrace to this family. You always were when she was well and you are now. You were always her least favorite anyway. Explains why you want her dead."

"Do you really think so little of me?" I shout, immediately offended.

"You haven't done a single thing to help since she got sick," he explains.

"I'm keeping us in this damn apartment. I'm keeping this family afloat while you cling to the impossibility that she'll suddenly one day come back to life," I step forward and pull him onto his feet. "Wake up! For fucks sake! We can't live like this anymore!"

He stares into my eyes emotionlessly for a few moments before growling, "Get out."

I scoff. "Gladly."

And the plan is back in motion. Nothing can stop what I want to do. No one can stop me. No one will stop me. No one cares anyway.


jeongguk's backstory

i think I'm going to do a small backstory for every character

I've already done yeonjun, jeongguk, jin, namjoon, and hoseok

guess who comes next...


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