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Soobin's POV

My heart has been racing all day and my stomach has felt like it could explode at any second. I'm supposed to talk to my uncle today about leaving the business, but I just know how he's going to react and it doesn't ease my conscience. At least Yeonjun will be there. That makes me feel slightly better. I trust him with my life.

Thankfully, at the end of the day, Yeonjun could sense my anxiety and held my hand the whole way home. It was a particularly quiet bus ride home, but he still could tell that I was nervous.

Stepping off the bus in front of my house made everything so much worse.

Yeonjun gives my hand a quick squeeze. "What's the plan? Do you want me to stay quiet?"

I shake my head. "Don't feel like you have to stay completely silent. You're my boyfriend and my best friend. You're allowed to speak whenever you want."

Yeonjun hesitates to answer. "Does he know about us?"

I sigh. "I think he suspects, but I haven't confirmed anything. I didn't know how he was going to react. He might have tried to convince me to break up with you because of the business."

"Do you think he'll still try to do that?"

I look at Yeonjun and shrug. "I don't know. Maybe. But he's my uncle. He has to understand that it's my choice."


He blinks, crossing his arms in front of his chest and glaring at me with one of the most intimidating looks on his face that I've ever seen. Choi Junghoon. The only man who has ever scared me.

"And what makes you think that this is okay?" He speaks firmly, making me wince slightly.

Yeonjun readjusts his fingers in mine, letting me know that he's still there.

"It's my choice. I don't want to be with anyone else other than Yeonjun," I quietly answer, my resolve weakening slightly. "I'm sure you have...replacements."

He takes a step forward. "You are the most requested boy I have out there. On top of that, business has been slow since our family was attacked last year. Other boys have quit as well. We are losing income quickly. You are family and I expect you to be responsible enough to maintain your position."

"He will not," Yeonjun spits.

Junghoon glances at Yeonjun. "And are you doing this out of a place of jealousy? Because that can be solved, you know."

Yeonjun's jaw twitches, clenching in anger. "I am not interested," he grits his teeth. "Soobin is expressing his disinterest in your business of whores and would like out."

Junghoon laughs, finding humor in Yeonjun's anger, while I am slightly offended by his word choice.

"'Whores', hm?" He chuckles and points at Soobin. "Your boyfriend is one of those 'whores'. "

Yeonjun sighs and looks at me. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I-I know," I nod. I turn to look at my uncle again. "I am serious about wanting out of the business. I would not ask if I hadn't already made up my mind."

"You are a child," he emphasizes each word. "You do not get to make these decisions."

"If I'm a child, why did you make me a call boy in the first place," I hiss. "If I'm a child, why should I have to take responsibility for your losses? Why am I having to take care of this business at fifteen years old?"

Junghoon hums. "Fine."

I blink. "Fine?"

He nods. "You stood up for yourself. You're acting like an adult. Fine. But I still want you to contribute."

The idea makes me nausious. I know the kinds of things that our mafia does and I'm not very fond of them.

"I assume since your boyfriend is here for this conversation, he knows about our family?"

I nod slowly, trying not to trigger anything.

"Very well. How about you, boy?" He looks at Yeonjun. "Any interest in mafia work?"

It's amusing to say the least, knowing that he's already a part of a different mafia. But I step in front of him. "He's not interested."

Junghoon gives me a look that sends a chill down my spine. A knowing and incredulous look, but he doesn't say anything. He just moves on.

"Very well," he rolls his eyes. "We have drug cartell, which you've already worked with. Pornography, camera work or star. We still have income coming in from a few casinos around the area. And, finally, our bars and clubs, which contain our call boys, dancers, bartenders and the like."

I bite down on my bottom lip, feeling uncomfortable with the decision I'm feeling pressured to make. "I'm not old enough for bartending or working with gambling."

"You weren't old enough to sell yourself for money, either, but you did," Junghoon answers, nonchalantly.

The only thing that makes any sense and sounds the least illegal makes my stomach turn.

"I'm taking...dance classes," I mumble.

Junghoon looks up. "We can arrange for you to be one of our dancers in the nearest club. You wouldn't be moving around like you did as a call boy. We'd keep you strictly to one club so the people interested in your dancing could find you easily. It does require a certain wardrobe, but as long as you follow the rules you can choose your look."

The conversation still makes me feel sick.

"A dancer? For a club?" Yeonjun thinks out loud. "What club?"

"We have a few around the area. Whichever one Soobin feels most comfortable with," he speaks. "Business-wise, a dancer just got fired at one of our men's only clubs. I think you would do well there."

"Whatever, fine," I whisper, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Good," Junghoon smiles. "You learn quick."

The way Junghoon has always talked down to me has irritated me, but I've gone along with it. I know that he's not a good person and I've heard nasty rumors about him from family members. My fear of him is so deep rooted that I've forced myself to obey his rules and allow myself to be used by him. 

Maybe now, with Yeonjun by my side and the rest of the Jeon mafia, I won't feel so in danger.

I look up at Junghoon. "I only have one request."

Junghoon sighs. "What?"

"If I do this, I want some of your best investigators to help Yeonjun's family."

Yeonjun's head snaps in my direction, but I refuse to look at him.

"Someone has gone missing and I'd like you to investigate the matter," I negotiate.

Junghoon's lips turn up only slightly. "What's the name?"

"Kim Y/N."

He chortles, then clicks his tongue. "Deal."


do you all know what this means?

if junghoon didn't know yeonjun was involved with Y/N, he does now

things are getting crazy!



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