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Yoongi's POV

I've been sitting on this couch for a good ten minutes while Jeongguk has been talking and I have listened to none of it. My mind has been elsewhere. The room across the hall with the sleeping suicidal boy, to be exact.

Ever since I found him sitting on the floor of the bathroom with a razor to his wrist, milliseconds to attempting to kill himself, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him.

Yes, it may be because I'm worried about his wellbeing and safety, but there's something else to it.

Taehyung and him are so similar that it makes me do a double take sometimes. I have to literally pull myself back from saying some stupid things. I almost called him Taehyung yesterday and I definitely almost instinctively told him 'I love you' on accident a couple of times.

But it's the fact that my brain even connects the two of them that confuses me. If I'm almost saying 'I love you' to him, then maybe it's because I do love him. Or maybe I'm trying to fill the hole that Taehyung left in my heart. Either option makes me feel extremely guilty.

"Are you even listening to me?" Jeongguk snaps his fingers in front o fmy eyes and I jerk my head to the side to look at him.

I blink, then say, "Not even a little bit."

"What is with this household?" He throws his hands up in defeat. "My fiance is missing and all you can think about is getting your dick wet."

"Hey," I suddenly get offended, clicking my tongue. "It's not like that. I'm literally just taking care of him. That's it. He's vulnerable right now."

"How is he vulnerable?" He asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "At least he's safe. We can't say that about Y/N, who, by the way, got kidnapped because of that asshole."

I sigh, something inside of me stinging when he starts accusing Hoseok of these things. It makes me want to defend his honor and possibly throw a few punches, but I take a deep breath. "We can't blame him for her stupidity."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," I quickly answer. "She ran off without telling anyone where she was going, without backup or reinforcements, to a place where she knows damn well that she'd be put in danger. She went even after you said you were uncomfortable with it--after we all said we were uncomfortable with it! So, that's on her. Hoseok is slowly getting his memories back and he feels horrible about the things he's done. When he saw an opportunity to possibly make it up to Y/N, he took it. End of story. Not his fault."

Jeongguk's jaw clenches and for a moment, I wonder if I'm about to receive the headache of a lifetime, but, surprisingly, he pulls back and closes his eyes. "I know."

My mind can't wrap around his words at first. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm honestly just shocked, confused...and scared," Jeongguk pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingers, his tongue pressing up against the inside of his cheek. "What are we gonna do?"

I reach forward and put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Jin and Namjoon are our best bet right now. You know, I'm no good with this kind of thing. The best use of me is taking care of Hobi anyway."

Jeongguk looks me dead in the eyes. "By the way, what did I walk in on yesterday?"

"...Bonding time."

He hums, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Yeah, sure. Your hand was on his thigh and you looked like you were about to start making out. I thought you hated him."

"I never hated him."

"Okay, yeah. I saw that coming," Jeongguk nods. "He's your friend. Just like I could never hate him. But it was different. You were looking at him, he was looking at you. Your hand...was on his thigh," he points toward Hoseok's room.

"To be honest," I start, biting my lip. "I'm kind of freaked out. Taehyung...was always super confident on the outside, you know. But then once you got to know him, he was super insecure and sad a lot of the time. Hoseok's the same exact way. Whenever I look at him, it's like...Taehyung's soul is staring back at me. They're not just similar. It's like their hearts are the same."

Jeongguk nods. "You wanna know something weird. Don't tell Hoseok I told you, but a couple years back there was a day that you decided to dye your hair the really bright mint color. When you came out of that bathroom..." Jeongguk shakes his head, chuckling. "It was like Hoseok had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. Of course, you and Taehyung were kind of...a weird not-something-something at that point and Hoseok was forced to stay pretty silent. I don't think minded. Maybe he didn't even realize it himself...but," Jeongguk trails off for a moment. "The way he looked at you. I don't know how he feels now, but he was pretty fucking in love with you a couple years ago."

My stomach drops. I don't know how I feel, hearing those words. My heart starts to beat out of my chest. "I-I..." I start, but no words come out.

Jeongguk pats me on the back. "Honestly, he may be too freaked out about the Taehyung thing right now to even be able to process his own feelings. So most likely, he's forgotten completely."

"He has been pretty upset about it," I nod. "I mean, I am, too, but he was my boyfriend."

Jeongguk clicks his tongue. "It's probably a lot for him to process. He probably thinks you hate him. Not only that, but knowing Hoseok, he's probably thinking that he subconsciously did it on purpose and he's probably feeling super guilty."

My mind is all over the place. "Do you think--"

"No," Jeongguk cuts me off. "He would never. He liked you, but he made a point to shove those feelings so deep inside that I had to look super hard to even be able to notice that he liked you. He wanted you to be happy."

I look towards Hoseok's room. "And now he feel like he's the person who made me unhappy."

Jeongguk hums. "Of course, I don't know these things for sure...and you didn't hear them from me."



I know it's a lot of hoseok and yoongi

but I'm trying to set their plot in motion

it's a lot of work...


hope you're all enjoying the story

I have some more really big plot twists coming up...

stay tuned!!


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