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Soobin's POV

I walk into the club practically shaking with fear. I can feel bile ready to come up my throat at any moment. Why did I agree to this? Where is Yeonjun when I need him? Oh, that's right. He's off god knows where being angry at me for reasons that I couldn't have controlled.

"This is your room," Junghoon mumbles, looking down at his phone as he pushes the dressing room door open.

"Hi!" A loud voice calls as soon as the door is propped all the way against the wall.

My eyes find another boy about my age standing there. "Hey," I mumble back. 

"You're Soobin. His nephew. Nice to meet ya," he shakes my hand quickly. "I'm Damien."

I click my tongue. "You...work here?"

He barks out a laugh. "God no!" He then finds my eyes, seeing that I'm not amused and clears his throat. "I'm here for moral support, I suppose."

"Moral support? You got a friend in need somewhere?" I take a quick look around. "You should go to them then." The sarcasm drips from my voice venomously, spitting at the boy a bit more viciously than I probably should have.

"Well, you definitely have the Park spirit. I'll give you that."

My eyes snap back up to him. "Park? I'm a Choi. I don't...know what you're talking about."

Damien's mouth opens for a moment, an almost silent breath of realization escaping it before he finally speaks. "Right," he nods, pursing his lips awkwardly. "Sorry."

He tries to walk past me, but I grab at his arm and pull him back. "Nope. You can't get out of it that easy," I shake my head. "What do you mean 'Park'?"

Damien rubs at his arm where I was just holding it. "What a firm grip you got there," he laughs nervously.

I roll my eyes. "Stop evading the question."

"Why does the name offend you so much?" He raises an eyebrow, smirking knowingly. "Hm? Do you...know someone by that surname?"

"Park is a common surname," I mumble, but I know the truth. When it comes to mafias, a bunch can be intermingled. What are the chances...

Damien tilts his head. "Are you sure about that? Looks like your brain is doing some hard thinking there."

"Just tell me what you know, asswipe," I roll my eyes once again.

"Or what?" He provokes.

"Look, douche-canoe. You don't know what kind of things I am willing to do to get the information I want," I cross my arms in front of my chest. "Spill it."

He laughs. "I'm just kidding anyway. I'm here as a friend. Just wanted to see how you would react."

I blink, giving him an emotionless stare, waiting for him to continue.

"Your uncle there, Junghoon, is a Park, which means you're a Park by family connection and, ultimately, by blood," he shrugs. "That's all I meant. But it is interesting that you're so frazzled by the name Park."

I squint at him. "You're not telling me something."

Damien shrugs. "Whatever the case, you have work to do." He starts to walk away and I quickly grab him by the back of his leather jacket, dragging him back and slamming his chest against the wall. I grab his arm and pin it back against his back and start to twist. He cries out in pain. "What the hell, man?"

"I'm gonna give you to the count of three to tell me what you're hiding before I break your arm," I click my tongue. "1-"

"Soobin, I'm telling you all I know," he shouts, panic filling his voice.

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