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"Thanks, Taemin," I whisper, taking the bottle of water from his hands.

"That was some serious testing he was putting you through," he looks down at his feet, seeming sympathetic. "It looked really uncomfortable."

I nod. "It was, but I'm strong. I can withstand simple chemical testing."

"What is he even looking for?"

I shrug. "At this point, I don't even know. We don't have any breadcrumbs. Our best bet would be to find Junghoon and confront him about it, but since he's too dangerous..." I trail off.

"Maybe he isn't dangerous, though," Taemin suggests. This makes me breathe out a laugh. "I mean, compared to the testing you're going through. It seems like it could fry your brain if he's not careful."

I laugh. "I'm sure it's not that bad. It's only uncomfortable. Not unbearable. Sungho would tell me if he was frying my brain."

Taemin gives me this look as if he doesn't believe me.

I frown. "Do you know something that I don't?"

"No!" He quickly answers. "I trust you. If you say you're fine, then you're fine. I know you're strong."

"But," I urge.

"But when it comes to Junghoon...maybe he's the better option. The safer one," Taemin sighs. "I'm just trying to look out for you here. Who knows what you have in that brain of yours. Maybe Junghoon's information is important. If we're cautious enough, maybe-"

"No," I put my hand up to stop him. "Junghoon is ruthless. Whatever's in my brain, must be really important. If he gets to me, things could go downhill fast. I don't know what it is or what his big plan is, but I know Junghoon. He's evil. I can't let him have this." I turn around about to walk into my room.

"So, you're siding with Jimin," Taemin comments, stopping me in my tracks.

I turn around slowly and narrow my eyes at him. "What do you mean?"

Taemin stiffens ever-so-slightly. My senses kick in. Something's wrong. His pupils are dilated and there's a small trickle of sweat sliding down his temple. He's hiding something.

"Just that Jimin didn't like Junghoon either," he continues, relaxing back into conversation again. "Wasn't his last wish to kill Junghoon?"

I scoff, looking away for a moment, but my eyes return to his. "I haven't told anyone here about Jimin's dying wish, Taemin."

Taemin's fingers find the bottom of his shirt and start to play with it, nervously. "Word gets around."

"How did you know so much about the Jeon mafia when we first met, Taemin?"

He takes a step back as I take a step forward.

"How did you know that I'm the current boss of the Jeons?" I tilt my head, looking into his soul.


I scoff. "I can practically see your heart beating in your throat, Taemin," I smile, knowingly. "I'm not a naive little girl. If you know so much about me, you know that I'm good with tells. And your body is telling me all I need to know."

I start to walk away, intending to find Sungho, but he grabs me by my wrist.

I quickly twist my hand around in his grasp, grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm behind his back, pushing him forward until his chest hits the nearest wall. "Who are you?"

"Y/N, you know who I-"

I grab his wrist with both hands and push it as far back as I can until I hear a little 'pop'. He groans loudly. I smirk, knowing I just broke his wrist.

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