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Jin's POV

Jeongguk walks out of the room, an emotionless look on his face, but his eyes say it all.

"He's losing his mind," Namjoon comments quietly, still staring off in the direction Jeongguk left in.

"I was about to say the same thing," I answer.

"I didn't want to say this in front of him, but I'm worried. Somehow, they've erased all traces of Y/N after the point where she got in that taxi," Namjoon spins around in his chair, scooting back up to his desk. "I tried to follow the taxi, but somehow the cameras glitched out and the taxi basically disappeared."

I bite my bottom lip. "We still have other things we can look at. It's not over yet," I say in an attempt at lightening the mood, but the words are hard to believe.

"I can check her credit card, but I doubt she's used it much at all if she's been kidnapped."

I nod. "Do we have a tracker on her phone?"

Namjoon's head snaps in my direction. "Jin, you absolute genius!"

"You seriously didn't think to check that first?" I try to remain serious, but the fact that we have a lead makes me excited.

Namjoon quickly types random numbers and letters into his computer that I can barely understand and waits a few moments.

"We don't track her phone, but we can trace back her calls to the relative location of where she was last," Namjoon rambles. He clicks one more button and all of her calls pop up on the screen. "The last call was between her and...Jeongguk."

"To be expected, I guess."

"And it was about three days ago," Namjoon continues. The worry in his voice makes me shiver.

"This is good, right? We found a lead."

He shakes his head. "Well, yes and no. It was three days ago. That's supposedly when she first arrived in 'Australia'," he puts air quotes around 'Australia'. "Anything could have happened by that time. But, yes, you're right. It's a lead. Just a very weak one."

"Any lead right now is a good one."

Namjoon doesn't answer. He clicks into the call and we both wait for a moment as a loading screen appears. It only takes a few seconds for something to pop up on the screen that reads, 'Location services unavailable'.

Namjoon drops back into his seat, exasperatedly. "She must not have had good connection during that call."

"Or someone sabotaged the evidence," I suggest with a shrug.

"Slim chance. Phone calls are harder to sabotage than regular evidence. Our technology should be able to break through that," Namjoon shakes his head.

"But there is a chance that that's what happened," I say. "The Kim mafia is a very powerful mafia. They have the resources to do whatever they want, essentially. If they wanted to hide this evidence, I bet they could."

"At this point, maybe the best idea is to just show up to their house and take her back."

"Would they make it that easy though?" I lean back against the wall, my arms crossed across my chest. "They can't be dumb enough to erase all the evidence, but keep her at her childhood home. They know we know where that is."

Namjoon nods. "And if we just show up there, it could end up being a trap."

"It's up to us to save her and if we all get killed then she's as good as dead," I mumble.

"Yep," Namjoon answers, solemnly. "If we don't keep a close eye on Jeongguk, he might do something like get himself caught."

"I'll have Yeonjun keep his eyes and ears open," I tell him.

"He's a child."

"A very intuitive child. One who was raised basically in the mafia. He can handle this," I nod.

"If you say so," Namjoon shrugs. "Do we know of any other places that the Kim family owns?"

I shake my head. "They keep those things hidden fairly well and their staff is loyal."

"I think I need a drink," Namjoon stands up, an annoyed look on his face.

I grab at his shoulders to stop him. He sighs and looks at me.

"We'll find her."

"You can't be sure of that and I'm not going to waste my emotions on her. If she's gone, then we'll just have to accept that."

"Don't do that," I warn him. I can see him shrinking into himself, turning back to his old ways of thinking. We did so much to help him change to be a better, more sympathetic man. This is exactly how he acted back when Jimin was still in charge. No one misses that Namjoon. "Hope is the only way we get through hard times."

Namjoon hesitates and I can tell he's having inner turmoil. He wants so badly to take the easy way out and just...not feel.

I lean forward and connect our foreheads. "I love you," I whisper, sliding my hands up to cup his face, my fingers dragging along the nape of his neck. "I love you," I repeat even quieter.

His hands slide onto my hips and he leans forward, brushing his lips across mine. "Jinnie," he mumbles, his breath mingling with mine.

I take the small push forward and press my lips firmly to his, gripping tighter to the hairs on the nape of his neck. 

I pull away. "Don't turn away from what you know is right, baby," I speak softly. "It might be hard, but we can't give up. We need to have hope."

Namjoon nods and immediately pulls me into a tight hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you. For real." He burries his face into my neck and just breathes.

We all need each other right now. I hope all of this worrying ends soon.


short chapter due to writer's block

next chapter will be better

but fair warning...

grab your tissues

NEXT CHAPTER: Hoseok & Yoongi


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