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Yeonjun's POV

Walking in through the front doors feels like an error in judgment. What are we even doing? We're trying to get caught. It's a death wish. Jeongguk is so blind with love that he doesn't even care about carefully planning things anymore.

We're all in trouble. And if we all end up dead by the end of this, I wouldn't be surprised.

"Why aren't we just going to shoot him as soon as we get in?" Soobin whispers.

"This is Jeongguk's plan, not mine," I respond. "If it were up to me, he'd be sliced up into tiny pieces and served as a side dish to his stupid dog."

"He has a dog?"

I glance at Soobin. "That's the part you decided to pick up on?"

Soobin shrugs, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Yes, he has a dog. A demon dog," I whisper, advancing into the main area of the club. "It almost bit my fingers off when I was a kid."

It's not a happy memory at all. That dog still brings me nightmares at night. Whenever the dog got too feisty with me, it became my fault and all hell broke loose. I don't remember a single night where I didn't get punished for something.

"Where are they?" Soobin whispers.

I sigh. "I just realized we don't have earpieces either. No communication. We're on our own."

"So, if we fuck up," Soobin begins.

"It's our fault," I nod. I turn down a hallway of changing rooms. "Where the fuck would they have gone?"

All of a sudden the intercom splutters to life. "You looking for me, little ones?" Junghoon's voice booms through the halls. "The basement, children. The basement."

We look at each other and immediately race to the stairs. As soon as we get down them, we're met with a man. A tall man with silver hair and a rather big bruise on his forehead. He has a cast on his arm and an annoyed look on his face.

"What did he do to you?" Soobin asks, amused. I glance back at him with an 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

The man clicks his tongue. "This wasn't Junghoon if that's what you're asking. You can blame your mommy for this," he growls.

I raise an eyebrow. "Y/N did that? Nice," I comment.

He rolls his eyes. "Come with me. He's waiting for you."

I sigh, starting to follow behind him. "How is this going to work? Are we going to be restrained? Walk ten paces, turn, shoot? What's the plan?"

"Please, shut up," the man speaks. "He wants to talk."

Soobin and I share a glance then go silent. Just talk? Let's hope that's actually what's going to happen.

We enter a big room with grey walls and barred windows that make the place seem more prison-ish than it really needs to be. There's a big table in the center of the room and lying atop of it is Y/N unconscious.

"Y/N," I whisper.

"Yes, there she is," Junghoon speaks, stepping forward. He looks much more menacing than he ever has. How did I not recognize him before? "What are you going to do? Fight me? Call your boss to come beat me up?"

"Other than the fact that I did want to see that Y/N was alright, I actually came to talk to you," I speak firmly. "We have some shit to settle."

"Ooh," Junghoon smirks, folding his arms in front of his chest. "Do we now?"

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